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Professor Anne-marie Greene
Chair in Work and Diversity, Director of Research Impact


Anne-marie Greene is Professor of Work and Diversity at the School for Business and Society.

She is Co-Convenor of the Gender and Employment Study Group of the International Labour and Employment Relations Association (ILERA) and Fellow of the British Universities Industrial Relations Association (BUIRA). She received her PhD from the University of Wolverhampton and was an ESRC Studentship recipient for an MA in Industrial Relations from the University of Warwick, following a BA (Hons) degree in Modern History from the University of Oxford (Brasenose College).

Anne-marie has held previous academic posts at the University of Leicester School of Business (where she was Associate Dean for Research), De Montfort University, University of Warwick, University of Aston and University of North London. She has been a Professorial Fellow at the Susana Wesley Foundation, University of Roehampton.

She has held previous editorial positions for Gender, Work and Organisation, Work, Employment and Society; Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and the Industrial Relations Journal.

Subject Group

Work, Management and Organisation

Featured New Book

The Dynamics of Managing Diversity and Inclusion, Fifth Edition (Published December 30th 2021)

Picture of book cover

The Dynamics of Managing Diversity and Inclusion was one of the first books to respond to growing academic coverage of the topic of diversity management at degree level. This fifth edition has been fully updated to reflect new working practices, labour market data, organisational policies, and developments in equality and diversity law, as well as including new case studies and analysis of current and emerging areas of debate in the United Kingdom and across Europe. Diversity management is a term that covers not only policy and practice on race, disability, and sex discrimination, but also broader issues including other identity and cultural differences. The Dynamics of Managing Diversity and Inclusion, fifth edition, provides future HR professionals and business/organisational managers of the future with the legal information and research findings needed to enable them to participate in the development and implementation of meaningful diversity and inclusion policies in their organisations. This new edition offers:

  • Inclusion of topical issues such as female and minority representation on executive boards, religious diversity, gender identity, Black Lives Matter and #MeToo movements.
  • Multiple analytical perspectives, such as socio-legal and feminist approaches, to provide rich insights into the subject matter.
  • Practical case studies and exercises to illustrate the real-life issues in a local, international, and organisational context.

Photo of Anne-marie Greene

School for Business and Society
University of York
Church Lane Building
York Science Park
York YO10 5ZF

T: +44 (0) 1904 328747
Room: CL/A/116K