Anne-marie Greene is Professor of Work and Diversity at the School for Business and Society.
She is Co-Convenor of the Gender and Employment Study Group of the International Labour and Employment Relations Association (ILERA) and Fellow of the British Universities Industrial Relations Association (BUIRA). She received her PhD from the University of Wolverhampton and was an ESRC Studentship recipient for an MA in Industrial Relations from the University of Warwick, following a BA (Hons) degree in Modern History from the University of Oxford (Brasenose College).
Anne-marie has held previous academic posts at the University of Leicester School of Business (where she was Associate Dean for Research), De Montfort University, University of Warwick, University of Aston and University of North London. She has been a Professorial Fellow at the Susana Wesley Foundation, University of Roehampton.
She has held previous editorial positions for Gender, Work and Organisation, Work, Employment and Society; Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and the Industrial Relations Journal.
Subject Group
Work, Management and Organisation
Featured New Book
The Dynamics of Managing Diversity and Inclusion, Fifth Edition (Published December 30th 2021)

The Dynamics of Managing Diversity and Inclusion was one of the first books to respond to growing academic coverage of the topic of diversity management at degree level. This fifth edition has been fully updated to reflect new working practices, labour market data, organisational policies, and developments in equality and diversity law, as well as including new case studies and analysis of current and emerging areas of debate in the United Kingdom and across Europe. Diversity management is a term that covers not only policy and practice on race, disability, and sex discrimination, but also broader issues including other identity and cultural differences. The Dynamics of Managing Diversity and Inclusion, fifth edition, provides future HR professionals and business/organisational managers of the future with the legal information and research findings needed to enable them to participate in the development and implementation of meaningful diversity and inclusion policies in their organisations. This new edition offers:
- Inclusion of topical issues such as female and minority representation on executive boards, religious diversity, gender identity, Black Lives Matter and #MeToo movements.
- Multiple analytical perspectives, such as socio-legal and feminist approaches, to provide rich insights into the subject matter.
- Practical case studies and exercises to illustrate the real-life issues in a local, international, and organisational context.
Professor Greene researches equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in theory and practice. A particular research interest is the interface between work, life, family and community, especially where a sense of calling, mission or activism is required. This often concerns areas of work that stand outside of the standard employment relationship and which are less formally regulated, bringing with them challenges of management policy and practice and issues of inequality. Research projects have involved volunteer managers and volunteers, clergy, actors, freelance creatives, diversity consultants and trade union representatives.
Funded Projects
Local Theatres: Participation, Inclusion, Imagination. (2024-2026)
In collaboration with colleagues from Royal Holloway University, Central School of Speech and Drama, and University of Sunderland. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) (£882,000), this is the first major UK study of local theatres. This ambitious interdisciplinary research takes place when localism has re-entered the political lexicon. This research aims to transform understanding of theatre-making as local, hyperlocal, and translocal practices. The team's objectives include: 1.Increase understanding of theatres as local cultural and community assets by engaging a wide range of stakeholders. 2.Strengthen inclusive approaches to theatre-making, producing, and programming across amateur, professional, and youth contexts. 3.Support local talent by identifying creative opportunities and skills development, enabling career progression for theatre-makers in their home towns and cities. 4.Inspire theatre-makers to re-imagine what ‘local’ means in the past, present, and future by co-creating theatre that explores historical injustices and hidden exclusions. 5.Understand the impact of increased localised decision-making on theatres. 6.Build long-term capacity by supporting new voices in theatre and the academy.
VCSE Workforce Mapping (2024-2026)
In collaboration with Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership and the University of Hull with Dr Liz Bailey (UoY) as PI. This research project is funded by the NHS (£100,000) and will provide an overview of the current VCSE (Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprises) social care workforce and current workforce management issues, identify future challenges and workforce sustainability actions/measures and enhance the capacity of Humber and North Yorkshire (HNY) Health and Care Partnership (HCP) for ongoing workforce mapping and support for workforce strategic planning.
The Management of Volunteers (2013-present)
Since 2013, in collaboration with Professor Jenna Ward (Coventry University) a project achieving over £97,000 of funding has explored the differences between the management of volunteers and the management of paid staff in the voluntary sector. This has involved commissioned research in the National Trust City of London Open Spaces and England Netball.
See a report of the findings from the National Trust project National Trust Final Report 2021 (MS Word
, 5,594kb).
Clean Break: Women, Theatre, Organisation and the Criminal Justice System (2019-2023)
In collaboration with Professor Caoimhe McAvinchey, Queen Mary, University of London; Dr Deborah Dean, Warwick University and Dr Sarah Bartley, Central School of Speech and Drama. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) (£375,000) this research project is the first interdisciplinary examination of Clean Break, situating four decades of organisational and artistic practice within a context of policy and practice affecting women's experience of criminal justice.
It analyses the company's contribution to contemporary British theatre, its impact on the lives of women participants and on professional partners in theatre, criminal justice and the women's sector. In addition, it draws on the expertise of work and employment scholars, to examine the implications of Clean Break's distinctive and unusual organisational practices for both arts and non-arts management and leadership. This is particularly in relation to stakeholder voice and equality and diversity issues in its management practices and artistic, engagement and education programmes.
Twitter: @WTJ_Research
Research Impact
Working with Kick It Out to Influence EDI Regulation within English Football (2024-2025)
A research collaboration between Kick It Out (KiO) and the School for Business and Society (Kevin Tennent and Alex Gillett) has been funded by University of York Impact Accelerator Fund,. This project will: a) directly inform and influence KiO policy; b) have potential impact on Parliamentary debate and the details of the draft legislative bill; and c) change club policy and practice at the research sites, with potential impact within the wider football league., aims to research football clubs and organisations identified by KiO as being outstanding examples of good practice in the area of equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI).
Working with Emotions in Volunteering
The Management of Volunteers research project has involved a series of dissemination and pathways to impact activities including practitioner conferences, training workshops and facilitation events. Training materials and toolkits have been developed as part of this in collaboration with the research partners. Further impact and engagement activities are facilitated by the ESRC Impact Accelerator Account Strategic Partnership between the University of Leicester and the National Trust.
In October 2021, a version of the toolkit ‘Working with Emotions in Volunteering’ was launched in collaboration with the Association of Volunteer Managers. This toolkit can be downloaded free of charge by registering at
Funded by the University of York Impact Accelerator Fund, a new research collaboration with England Netball began in 2022, including an empirical study mapping the emotional landscape of that organisation and providing a series of masterclasses around the Toolkit.
The theatre and organisational practices of Clean Break
The AHRC research also involves multidisciplinary collaboration with six other universities spanning theatre studies, criminology, social policy, English literature and creative arts disciplines. The project has involved a seminar series (face to face and online) and a number of public-facing events with practitioner organisations in the applied theatre and criminal justice sector.
The project employs an artist-in-residence Laura Dean producing work in response to and informing the research findings which can be found in a Living Gallery. This art will be exhibited as part of the Coventry City of Culture theme of Amazing Women in March 2022.
The project has funded a tour and a film of the play Sweatbox by Chloe Moss
AHRC Local Theatres: Participation, Inclusion, Imagination 2024-2026 £882,054
Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership VCSE Workforce Mapping 2024-2026 £100,000
Impact Accelerator, University of York Working with Kick It Out to Influence EDI Regulation 2024-2025 £13,866.60
Impact Accelerator, University of York Working with Emotions in Managing Volunteers at England Netball 2022-2023 £10,156
Meng Huang, `Impact of third child policy in the Chinese banking sector
Shuyan Zhang, `Menopause and International Assignments
Xinru Yan, `Men and work in Chinese primary education
Thomas Compton, `Trade unions and melancholia: Community organisation through time’
Liz Turnbull, `Disability in the creative industries
Louisa Horne, ‘Exploring volunteers in Rotary’, University of Leicester
Selected publications
McAvinchey, C., Bartley, S., Dean, D., and Greene, A.M. (2024) Clean Break Theatre Company, Cambridge Elements.
Kirton, G. and Greene, A.M. (2022) The Dynamics of Managing Diversity: A Critical Approach, Fifth Edition, Routledge.
Journal Articles
Greene, AM., Connolly, H. And Dean, D. (2024) ’Reframing: a feminist reflection on Alan Fox‘ Employee Relations.
Greene, A.M and Kirton, G. (2023) ‚Doing the right thing” and “making a difference”: the role of personal ethical values in diversity and inclusion consulting‘ Journal of Business Ethics
Greene, A.M., Dean, D., Bartley, S. And McAvinchey, C. (2022), ‘Locked up and down: Incarceration, care and art in a pandemic‘, Gender, Work and Organization.
Dyson, S.M., Atkin, K.M., Berghs, M.J. and Greene, A.M., (2021). On the possibility of a disabled life in capitalist ruins: Black workers with sickle cell disorder in England. Social Science & Medicine, 272, p.113713.
Greene, A.M., Kirton, G., Koumenta, M. and Humphris, A. (2021) ‘Workplace union representation and gender in the British workplace’, Industrial Relations Journal. 52: 1, 40-63.
Kirton G. and Greene, A.M. (2019) ‘Telling and selling the value of diversity and inclusion – external consultants’ discursive strategies and practices’, Human Resource Management Journal, 29:4, 676-91 4.
Ward, J. and Greene, A.M. (2018) ‘Too much of a good thing? The emotional challenges of managing affective commitment in voluntary work’, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. Vol. 47(6) 1155–1177.
Greene, AM (2017) ‘Clergywomen in the UK: The Implications of professional calling’ in K. Broadbent, G. Strachan and G. Healy (eds.) Gender and the Professions: International and Contemporary Perspectives, Chapter 8, Routledge.
Robbins, M. and Greene, A.M. (2017) ‘Clergywomen's experience of ministry in the Church of England’ Journal of Gender Studies 27:8, 890-900.
Dean, D. and Greene, AM (2017) ‘How do we understand worker silence despite poor conditions - as the actress said to the woman bishop’ Human Relations, 70: 10, 1237-1257.
Greene, A., and Robbins, M. (2015) ‘The Cost of a Calling? Clergywomen and Work in the Church of England’, Gender, Work and Organization, 22: 4, 405–420.
Book Chapters
Greene, AM (2019) ‘Feminism and Industrial Relations’ in K. Townsend, K. Cafferkey, T. Dundon and A. McDermott (eds.) Elgar Introduction to Theories of Human Resources and Employment Relations, Elgar Publications, London.
Greene, AM (2019) ‘HRM, Equality and Diversity’ in A. Wilkinson, N. Bacon, D. Lepak and S. Snell (eds.) The Sage Handbook of Human Resource Management, Second Edition, Chapter 14, Sage Publications: London
Kirton G. and Greene, AM (2017) ‘Understanding Diversity Management in the UK’, in Hansen, K. and Seierstad, C. (eds.) (2017). Corporate Social Responsibility and Diversity Management. Springer, pp.59-73.
Greene, A.M (2015) ‘Voice and Workforce Diversity’, Chapter 4 in P. Ackers and S. Johnstone (eds.) Finding a Voice: at Work? New perspectives on Employment Relations, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp 67-94.
Managing Across Cultures MAN00127M
Independent Research Project MAN00093M
Research Proposal MAN00101M
Other teaching
Previously Taught Modules
Dissertation Research Methods (MAN00021H)
Dissertation supervision (code: MAN00021H)
Supervision of Masters dissertations
Research Skills for HRM (MAN00074M)