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Dr Anjan Pal
Lecturer in Marketing


Dr Anjan Pal joined the School for Business and Society as a lecturer in marketing in December 2021. He holds a PhD degree in Information Studies from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. His PhD focused on online consumer behaviour in the face of brand-related fake news as well as their rebuttals. He has a Masters degree in Computer Technology from Jadavpur University, India.

Dr Pal’s research expertise lies in the field of digital marketing and online consumer behaviour. His works have appeared in journals such as Information Technology & People, Internet Research, and International Journal of Hospitality Management, as well as conferences such as International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management & Communication, and Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems.

Dr. Pal has been serving as an Associate Editor for the journals Electronic Commerce Research and Global Business Review. He also serves on the committee for conferences such as Association for Information Science & Technology, and International Conference on E-Business and Internet.

Dr Pal also reviews for journals such as Decision Support Systems, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, and Tourism Management. He was recognised for his ‘Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing’ (2018) by the journal Information & Management and received the ‘Best Reviewer Award’ (2023) at the Association for Information Science and Technology conference. Moreover, Dr Pal has been recognised as an ‘Excellent Reviewer’ in Publons.

In recognition of his efforts in teaching, Dr Pal was nominated for the University of York ‘Teacher of the Year’ (2024) Award.

Subject Group

People, Operations and Marketing

 Anjan Pal

School for Business and Society
University of York
Church Lane Building
York Science Park
York YO10 5ZF

T: +44 (0)1904 32 8641
Room: A/C/225