Andrew was appointed to an Honorary Professorship in the School in February 2024, having previously been a Professor in Human Resource Management at York from 2005-2014. In the intervening period he was a Professor and Head of the Department of Management and Marketing at Durham University, and was Head of the School of Management and Governance in UNSW Business School, Sydney, Australia. He currently has a part-time appointment at UNSW as Professor of Employee Ownership and Reward.
He has a BA (Hons) in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics from the University of Oxford, and a PhD in Social Sciences from the University of Bath. He is an Academic Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. He is a Fellow and Mentor in the School of Management and Labor Relations at Rutgers University USA, and currently holds the Nachson and Arieh Mimran Fellowship awarded by Rutgers.
His main research interests are employee share ownership, employee ownership and corporate governance. He was a member of the Inland Revenue Advisory Group that designed the Share Incentive Plan and Enterprise Management Incentives. He is currently a Board Member of Employee Ownership Australia.
Andrew’s research interests are in the areas of employee share ownership, employee ownership, and corporate governance. His share ownership research has focused on which firms use share ownership plans, employee experiences of share ownership, and the outcomes of share ownership plans. Much of his work on these plans has been conducted with Andrew Robinson (University of Leeds) and Yorkshire Building Society Share Plans. He has also conducted research for the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions and the European Trade Union Institute on employee share ownership in Europe. He is currently working with colleagues at Melbourne University on a study of employee decision-making in share plans and a review of research on employee participation in share plans. He is also working on a study of European employee shareholder associations.
He also conducted research on employee ownership, where workers own all or most of their firms, for many years, and was previously coordinator of the White Rose Centre for Employee Ownership at York. With Andrew Robinson, he has conducted the annual census of UK employee ownership in partnership with the Employee Ownership Association, and recently conducted a census of employee ownership in Scotland for the Scottish Government. He is currently working on a study of selection effects in a US ESOP with colleagues at the University of Regensberg, Germany, and on a profile of employee ownership trusts (EOTs). He is a member of an industry group working to promote EOTs in Australia.
His other main research interest is corporate governance and its impact on employees. He has conducted research on the impact of new investment actors such as private equity and hedge funds on work and employment, and on the labour effects of mergers and acquisitions (with Azimjon Kuvandikov).
Research interests
- Employee share ownership and financial participation
- Employee ownership
- Corporate governance and labour
Other teaching
Andrew has taught employee reward and human resource management at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. He has taught an undergraduate module on employee ownership and governance, and a postgraduate module on research methods.
Selected publications
Journal articles
Employee ownership in the UK. Journal of Employee Participation and Ownership, 2023, (with Andrew Robinson and Graeme Nuttall).
Employee behavior in employee stock option plans: why do some employees acquire company stock? Human Resource Management, 2023, 62 (2): 197-211 (with Andrew Robinson).
Activist hedge funds and takeovers: their effects on employment and performance, British Journal of Management, 2022, 33 (1): 346-368 (with Azimjon Kuvandikov and Marc Goergen).
Why walk away from an easy gain in wealth? Evidence from a UK stock option plan, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 2021, 31 (with Andrew Robinson).
The effects of mergers and acquisitions on employees: wealth transfer, gain-sharing or pain-sharing? British Journal of Management, 2020, 31: 547-567 (with Azimjon Kuvandikov and David Higgins).
Back to the shop floor: behavioural insights from workplace sociology, Work, Employment, and Society, 2019, 33 (6): 1039-1057 (with B.Lupton, A.Rowe, and R.Whittle)
Lack of diversification amongst employee stock owners: an empirical evaluation of behavioural explanations, Human Resource Management, 2018, 57: 1175-1187 (with Andrew Robinson).
Ownership and pay in Britain, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 2017, 55 (4):688-715 (with Alex Bryson and Howard Gospel).
Employee share ownership and organisational performance: a tentative opening of the black box, Personnel Review, 2017, 46 (7): 1280-1296 (with Sukanya Sengupta, Keith Whitfield, and Katy Huxley).
The productivity effects of multiple pay incentives, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 2017, 38 (4): 588-608 (with Andrew Robinson).
Financialization, New Investment Funds, and Labour: an International Comparison (edited with H.Gospel and S.Vitols) Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014.
Corporate Governance and Labour Management: an International Perspective (edited with H.Gospel). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005.
Employee Ownership, Participation, and Governance, London: Routledge, 2001.
Book chapters
The effects of the Cross-Border Mergers Directive on labour: big challenges, little evidence, in S.Vitols (ed.) Worker Rights under the Cross-Border Mergers Directive. Brussels: European Trade Union Institute, 2019.
Financial Participation: the Nature and Causes of National Variation, in Handbook of Research in Comparative Human Resource Management 2nd edition, edited by C.Brewster, W.Mayrhofer, and E.Farndale. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2018, (with E.Poutsma)
Employee financial participation, in Routledge Companion on Reward Management, edited by S.Perkins. London: Routledge, 2018.
Employee ownership in Britain: development and diversity, in Compensation: Managerial Issues and Societal Debates in France and Abroad edited by L.Guery and A.Stevenot. Paris: Economic Press, 2018 (with Andrew Robinson)
Financialisation, pensions, and labour: the UK experience, in Pension Funds in the Era of Financialised Capitalism, edited by S.Archer, C.Roberts, K.Skerrett,and J.Weststar. Madison, WI: Labor and Employment Research Association, 2018 (with H.Gospel)
Employee ownership in Britain Today, in Oxford Handbook of Mutual, Cooperative and Employee-owned Business (edited by J.Michie, J.Blasi, and C.Borzaga). New York: Oxford University Press, 2016 (with Andrew Robinson)