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Professor Andrew Pendleton
Honorary Professor


Andrew was appointed to an Honorary Professorship in the School in February 2024, having previously been a Professor in Human Resource Management at York from 2005-2014.  In the intervening period he was a Professor and Head of the Department of Management and Marketing at Durham University, and was Head of the School of Management and Governance in UNSW Business School, Sydney, Australia.  He currently has a part-time appointment at UNSW as Professor of Employee Ownership and Reward.

He has a BA (Hons) in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics from the University of Oxford, and a PhD in Social Sciences from the University of Bath.  He is an Academic Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.  He is a Fellow and Mentor in the School of Management and Labor Relations at Rutgers University USA, and currently holds the Nachson and Arieh Mimran Fellowship awarded by Rutgers.

His main research interests are employee share ownership, employee ownership and corporate governance.  He was a member of the Inland Revenue Advisory Group that designed the Share Incentive Plan and Enterprise Management Incentives.  He is currently a Board Member of Employee Ownership Australia.   

School for Business and Society
University of York
Honorary Professor
