Accessibility statement

Alexandra Dias
Senior Lecturer in Actuarial Science



Since September 2017 Alexandra Dias has been senior lecturer in Actuarial Science at the University of York. Previously, she was Associate Professor of Finance at the University of Leicester, Assistant Professor of Finance at Warwick Business School, credit analyst at Credit Suisse (Zurich), and research associate at RiskLab, ETH-Zurich.

She received her Licenciatura in Mathematics – Actuarial Science from the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, her MSc in Actuarial Science and Financial Risk Management from the Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, and her PhD in Mathematics – Financial Risk Management from the ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich).

Her current research interests include quantitative risk management for finance and insurance, modelling of interdependent risks and extreme events. Information on her research and list of publications is to be found on the York Research Database.

School for Business and Society
University of York
Church Lane Building
York Science Park
York YO10 5ZF

Tel: +44 (0) 1904 325317
Room: CL/A/145

Subject Group

Accounting and Finance

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