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Dr Alison J. Glaister
Senior Lecturer in International HRM



Alison is a Senior Lecturer in International HRM. She joined York in 2016 after having held lectureships at Bradford University School of Management and Aston Business School.  Prior to her academic career, Alison worked in industry for over ten years in roles focused on international CRM and economic regeneration. She holds the following qualifications:

  • PhD in Management (ESRC funded) (University of Leeds)
  • MA in Human Resource Management (Distinction) (ESRC funded) (University of Leeds)
  • BSc in Business and Management Studies (First Class Honours) (University of Bradford)
  • PgCHEP (Distinction) (University of Bradford)

Alison is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and an Academic Member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.

She is currently Module Leader for the following TYMS modules:

MSc HRM – Skills for Business Leadership.

MSc HRM – Global Perspectives in Human Resource Management and Employment Relations.



Alison is interested in many aspects of International Human Resource Management with a particular focus on how institutions shape practice. She examines phenomena through a variety of lenses but with a greater focus on institutional logics and institutional theory.

She researches and has published in the following areas: the HR function and its quest for transformation through outsourcing, the use of networks in Born Global firms, comparative work on the nature of HR practice in MNCs operating in emerging market contexts, the conceptualisation and operationalisation of talent management in emerging market contexts and the role of institutional shapers, understanding the link between HRM and performance and the mediating role of talent management.

Alison is interested in supervising PhD projects in any of the above areas of International Human Resource Management.


Selected publications

Peer-Reviewed Academic Journals

Demirbag, M., Tatoglu, E., Wood, G., Glaister, A. J., Zaim, S., & Nair, S. R. (2024). Building higher value-added firm practices in challenging contexts: Formal networks and talent management in Turkey. Human Relations0(0). (CABS 4).

Suter, M. B., Borini, F. M., dos Santos Costa, L., Glaister, A. J., Meneses, R., & Johnstone, N. G. C. (2024). Understanding employee branding capability and country-of-origin image impacts for internationalised firms. Management International, 8.

Wahab, M.,Tatoglu, E., Glaister, A.J.,& Demirbag, M. (2021). Countering uncertainty – high-commitment work systems, performance, burnout and well-being in Malaysia. International Journal of Human Resource Management. 32 (1), 24-48.  (CABS 3).

Glaister, A. J., Al Amri, R., & Spicer, D. P. (2021). Talent Management: Managerial Sense Making in the Wake of Omanisation. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 32 (3), 719-737. (CABS 3).

Glaister, A.J, Karacay, G, Tatoglu, E., & Demirbag, M. (2018). HRM and Performance – The Role of Talent Management as a Transmission Mechanism in an Emerging Market Context. Human Resource Management Journal, 28 (1), 148-166 (CABS 4*)

Vasilaki, A., Tarba, S., Ahammad, F., & Glaister, A. J. (2016). The Moderating Role of Transformational Leadership on HR Practices in M&A Integration. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 27(20), 2488-2504.(CABS 3*).

Turner, P., Glaister, A., J, & Al Amri, R. (2016). Developing Talent Strategies: Research Based Practice in Oman. International Journal of HRD Practice, Policy and Research 1 (1), 53-64. 

Tatoglu, E., Glaister, A. J., & Demirbag, M. (2016). Talent management motives and practices in an emerging market: A comparison between MNEs and local firms. Journal of World Business, 51(2), 278-293. DOI: (CABS 4*)

Gomes, E., Sahadev, S., Glaister, A. J., & Demirbag, M. (2015). A comparative perspective of International HRM practices of European and Indian MNEs: Evidence from Africa International Journal Of Human Resource Management, 26(21), 2676-2700. DOI:10.1080/09585192.2014.939986( (CABS 3*)

Glaister, A. J., Liu, Y., Sahadev, S., & Gomes, E. (2014). Externalizing, Internalizing and Fostering Commitment: The Case of Born-Global Firms in Emerging Economies. Management International Review, 54(4), 473-496. DOI10.1007/s11575-014-0215-6( (CABS 3*)

Glaister, A. J. (2014). HR outsourcing: the impact on HR role, competency development and relationships. Human Resource Management Journal, 24(2), 211-226. DOI: 10.1111/1748-8583.12031( (CABS 4*)

Guest Editor of Special Issues in Peer Reviewed Journals

Guest Editor - Strategic Talent Management in Emerging Markets, Special Issue Ahammad, M. F., Glaister, K. W., Sarala, R. M. and Glaister, A. J. (2018) Thunderbird International Business Review, 60 (1),(CABS 2*)

Book Chapters

Ronnie, L., & Glaister, A. J. (2019). Talent Management Challenges for Women in South Africa. In D. Mickler & M. Ramutsindela (Eds.), Africa and the Sustainable Development Goals (pp. 135–144). London: Springer.

Al Amri, R., Glaister, A., J, & Spicer, D. (2016). Talent Management in Oman. In P. Budhwar & K. Mellahi (Eds.), Handbook of Human Resource Management in the Middle East. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Published Reports

‘HR Outsourcing and the HR Function: Threat or Opportunity’ report produced for the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (June, 2009), 22 pages. (Published by the CIPD under the name Lewis, A).

Published Book Reviews

‘The Outsourcing Enterprise – From Cost Management to Collaborative Innovation’ – Leslie P. Willcocks, Sara Cullen and Andrew Craig. Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, 287pp. Published in Industrial Relations Journal, Vol; 43: Issue; 2; (2012)  pp.197-198 (Published under the name AJ Lewis)

‘Offshoring’ John Urry. Polity Press, 2014, 212pp. Published in Industrial Relations Journal, Vol; 46: Issue;1 (2015) pp.77-78

Presentation of Refereed Conference Papers

Park, H.; Glaister, A.J.,Budhwar, P. ‘Failure Experiences of Talent Management in an Emerging Market’. The 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston. Massachusetts, August 2019.

Glaister, A.J; Nair, S.R; Tatoglu, E.,Demirbag, M. ‘Overcoming Managerial Constraints through Talent Management in an Emerging Market: The Influence of Networks’. Academy of International Business Conference, Copenhagen, June 2019.

Park, H.; Glaister, A.J., Budhwar, P. ‘Talent Management in South Korea’. 34th EGOS Colloquium, Tallinn, Estonia, July 2018.

Park, H.; Glaister, A.J., Budhwar, P. ‘Factors Influencing Talent Management in South Korea across Firm Ownership’. 15th Conference on International Human Resource Management. Madrid, June 2018. 

Suter, M.; Borini, F., Glaister, A.J, ‘The Role of Employees in Turning the Country-of-Origin-Image in a Country-Specific Advantage’. 45th Academy of International Business (UK and Ireland Chapter) Annual Conference. Birmingham, April 2018.

Park, H.; Glaister,A.J., Budhwar, P. ‘Talent Management in South Korea: Psychological Contract Impacts’. 45th Academy of International Business (UK and Ireland Chapter) Annual Conference. Birmingham, April 2018.

Suengkamolpisut, W. & Glaister, A.J. ‘Expectations and Experience of HRM Practice in Thailand’s Luxury Hotels’. British Academy of Management Annual Conference, Warwick, September 2017.

‘The Role of Talent Management: Examining the HRM-Performance Link in an Emerging Market Context’. European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management, 4th Workshop on Talent Management, Valencia, September 2015.

‘Talent Management Practices in an Emerging Market: A Comparison between MNEs and Local Firms’. Full paper accepted at the Academy of Management Conference, Vancouver, August 2015.

'Talent Management Practices in an Emerging Market': European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management, 3rd Workshop on Talent Management, Berlin, October 2014

‘The Evolving Role of the HR Business Partner: Evaluating the Service Sector in Oman’. British Academy of Management Annual Conference, Ulster, September 2014.

‘HR Transformation or Path Rigidity’. British Academy of Management Annual Conference, Liverpool, September 2013.

‘Examining Human Resource Outsourcing in the UK’. British Academy of Management Annual Conference, Cardiff, September 2012.

‘HR Outsourcing and HR Transformation – Comparing Perceptions of HR Professionals in Outsourced and Non-Outsourced Organisations’. British Academy of Management Annual Conference, Aston, September 2011.  

‘Human Resource Outsourcing: Threat or Opportunity?’ International Industrial Relations Association 15th World Congress, Sydney, September 2009.


School for Business and Society
University of York
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York Science Park
York YO10 5ZF

Tel: +44 (0) 1904 325304
Room: CL/A/122K

Subject Group

Work Management and Organisation 


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  • Mondays 10am (by request)
  • Mondays 11am (by request)