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As a reader in Work, Management & Organising my area of expertise concerns discriminatory practices at work and promotion of inclusive organisational environments. While gender and sexual identities have taken centre stage in my career, my research involves critical diversity management more broadly, often involving emotionally charged, moral and ethical issues that both people and their organisations struggle or fail to respond to.
My work involves a range of stakeholders in public, private and third sector organisations. I recently completed a major ESRC funded study into LGBT+ employee networks in partnership with NHS Employers, Stonewall and Employers Network on Equality and Inclusion with the view to creating and sustaining inclusive work environments for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals.
I currently chair a COST Action focusing on LGBTI+ Social and economic inequalities involving over 90 scholars across Europe and beyond and lead the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Workstream for SIGN a project involving Screen Industries.
School for Business and Society
University of York
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Tel: +44 (0) 1904 325141
Room: CL/A/141
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- Monday, 2-3pm
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