Dr Abby Wang taught at the University of Edinburgh, Birmingham City University, Newcastle and York St. John University. She worked in the Middle East and Asia for years.
She is interested in cross-cultural and cross-language areas, ESL academic writing and ESL teaching; now, her research focuses on international student engagement and employability.
Selected publications
Abby Wang (2022) (In print). A case study of an EAP teacher training programme in a British-Chinese cooperative university in China: Making the transition from general English teachers to academic English
teachers. The Asian ESP Journal.
Abby Wang (2019). The avoidance of phrasal verbs by adult Chinese immigrants: The effective exposure to the L2 environment, language proficiency and the causes of avoidance behaviour. The Asian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 6(2), 118-137.
2017 presented at BALEAP annual Conference, Bristol.
2015 Annual Learning and Teaching Conference, University of York, York.
Other teaching
SfMPD seminars and academic skills to the MBF programme postgraduates.