SPSW staff virtual run for charity
Posted on 8 July 2020
Two members of SPSW staff have completed a virtual run for charity this June.

Dr Cheyann Heap and Dr Beth Casey, both academics from the department, have run a virtual lap of Yorkshire this June - that's 450 miles! They were part of a team called 'Somewhere Over the Run-bow', the other members of the team being, Adam Walsh, Fabio D'Andrea, Lewis Bulmer, Naomi Bright and Nick Lodge. Like the number of people in the team, the rainbow has seven colours, and, of course, it has been the symbol of togetherness and hope during lockdown.
Chey the team captain said "We ran for the York-based charity
SASH (Safe and Sound Homes), who are doing a #LifeAfterLockdown campaign. SASH work with young people aged 18-25 in North and East Yorkshire who face homelessness. Covid-19 has proved a huge risk for young people who face homelessness or who live in difficult family circumstances, making it harder for them to find shelter. SASH has also not had its normal fundraisers so this campaign has been vital. We have raised over £500 so far and are always open to donations."
SASH state that nearly half of the young people who come to the charity are facing homelessness, and do so because of family breakdown. Right now, there are young people in our community living in unstable family circumstances, surrounded by abuse - all they have to look forward to once lockdown is lifted, is the dread of being kicked out of their family home or making the impossible decision to flee a toxic environment. Our expert support workers are predicting a rise in the need for our services after lockdown is lifted. We want these young people know that there is hope and a better life after lockdown. With your help, we can make sure that they have safe home and a bright future.
If you would like to make a donation to the team fundraising for SASH, you can do so via their JustGiving page: