Anna Einarsdottir secures new research network
Funding approved for LGBTI+ Social and Economic (in)equalities COST action
Dr Anna Einarsdottir from the University of York School for Business and Society is the main proposer of a European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) action "LGBTI+ Social and Economic (in)equalities" which has been approved funding worth around £100,000. The money is to allow researchers to set up and run over a 4 year period interdisciplinary research networks in Europe and beyond. Dr Melissa Sayli from the School has also been involved in the application.
The Challenge aims to address LGBTI+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex and queer) social and economic (in)equalities at times of increased vulnerability for gender and sexual minorities in Europe. The Action will take concrete steps to break scholarly disciplinary silos, work across diverse cultural contexts and engage with Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and the public at large. We will also work with government, non-governmental policy organisations, trade unions and businesses. With 30 joining members representing 14 European countries and 10 disciplines, three Working Groups (WGs) will be established in areas where social and economic inequalities shape the everyday lives of LGBTI+ people: Families and Communities; Employment and Economic Well-being; and Social and Legal Inclusion. Despite existing legal protections against discrimination, LGBTI+ individuals continue to face challenges in Europe, particularly in certain EU countries and neighbouring nations. These difficulties extend to research networking since academics often remain hidden. Data remains scarce since gender and sexual identity is not commonly surveyed. The network will bring in potentially less visible researchers from across the EU.New academics and PhD students will be mentored and advised on how to build successful careers in LGBTI+ studies. We will also work to encourage governments to include information on gender and sexual identities in data collection and to consider the specific challenges facing these groups when formulating policy initiatives. Broader networking will include the delivery of online courses, Training schools, Short-term Scientific and Policy Missions, and community engagement.
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