CEGBI/SBS Summer Conference 2025 Global Business and Policy in a World of Fragmentation and Societal Change
Event details
'Global Business and Policy in a World of Fragmentation and Societal Change'
Call for Abstracts
The Centre for Evolution of Global Business and Institutions (CEGBI), part of the School for Business and Society (SBS) at the University of York, invites you to participate in the 2025 Summer Conference.
The conference serves as an interdisciplinary forum for research and teaching across the school and beyond, to promote dialogue, discuss work in progress with an interdisciplinary audience, and to support research and teaching collaboration on topics associated with ‘A World of Fragmentation and Societal Change’ and its impact on business and policy making.
Key topics include: strategies for navigating geopolitical risks and trade conflicts; the role of trade agreements in shaping global supply chains; the role of digital platforms in bridging or exacerbating fragmentation; ethical and practical implications of artificial intelligence and global policy making; policy, governance and welfare in societal change; national policies versus global cooperation in a fragmented world; societal change and consumer behaviour; ethical dilemmas in navigating fragmented markets and governance; leading diverse and dispersed teams in a fragmented world; dealing with other systemic risks (e.g. climate change) in a polarised context; the role of higher education in shaping future global leaders.
Papers on other topics not directly related to the theme of the conference are also welcome. In addition to exploring the challenges of global business, policy, and societal change, the conference invites discussions on advancing teaching, learning, and scholarship in the context of these wider influences. For example, tackling the challenges around embedding equality, diversity and inclusive practice into and beyond the classroom; how we create a sense of belonging and mattering for our students; the impact of AI on teaching, learning, and assessment; and all other innovations and challenges that impact on how we continuously develop our teaching practices to meet new and ever changing situations faced by the sector.
Keynote Speaker: Professor Nina Caspersen, Associate Dean (Research), University of York
Submission Instructions:
For Individual papers – please submit a title and an abstract with up to 200 words of text.
For full sessions – please submit one single world document with the following information: a title of the session, and for each presenter provide a name, the title of their presentation and up to 200 words of text.
DEADLINE for Submission: 17:00 hours, Friday, 30.05.2025
SUBMISSION POINT: Deposit your abstract or session proposal here
While papers and panels focused directly on the theme are most welcome, any other research topics that are ongoing by colleagues in the school are also welcome. All members of staff in the School for Business and Society (SBS) are invited to participate, as well as all PhD students, and associate members, both internal and external to the university. Contributions are also welcome from researchers from other departments at the University of York with broad interests related to the interdisciplinary theme of the conference.
The conference will take place in the Church Lane Building and is free to attend. Refreshments, lunch and a drinks reception at the end of the conference will be provided. For further information and updates on the Summer Conference please check the CEGBI website
For any queries you can also contact the programme committee:
Professor Teresa da Silva Lopes teresa.lopes@york.ac.uk; Dr. Gill Bishop gill.bishop@york.ac.uk; Dr. Maria Franco Gavonel maria.francogavonel@york.ac.uk; Professor Zoë Irving zoe.irving@york.ac.uk; and Dr. Jacqueline You jacqueline.jingyou@york.ac.uk