Critical Social Marketing Symposium 2024 Reflections on Rights, Wrongs and Responsibilities: Critical Social Marketing and Marketing for Pro-Social Change

This event has now finished.
  • Date and time: Wednesday 12 June 2024, 10am to 5pm
  • Location: In-person and online
    CL/A/057, Church Lane Building, Campus West, University of York (Map)
  • Audience: Open to the public
  • Admission: Free admission, booking required

Event details

Host organisations: School for Business and Society, University of York & the University of Bristol Business School, Marketing and Consumption Group

Supporter Organisations: The European Social Marketing Association (ESMA) and Australian Association of Social Marketing

Chairs: Nadina Luca, Ariadne Kapetanaki and Fiona Spotswood

Organising Committee: Nadina Luca, Ariadne Kapetanaki, Fiona Spotswood, Thomas Anker, Ross Gordon and Nadia Zainuddin

Confirmed keynote speakers: Professor Jeff French, Professor Ross Gordon, Dr Nadia Zainuddin

The CSM Symposium is an annual event designed to advance critical perspectives in social marketing
and marketing for pro-social change. The event is designed to a) foster connections between
researchers with shared interests to pursue collaborative projects and b) enrich and strengthen
critical social marketing. The event is designed to be accessible to early career researchers; a
welcoming, inclusive, and supportive space to share and discuss works in progress and innovative

The 2024 symposium will convene scholars exploring projects and ideas related to critical social
marketing, marketing for pro-social change and impact-oriented marketing and consumption
research. The symposium theme is “Reflections on Rights, Wrongs and Responsibilities: Critical Social
Marketing and Marketing for Pro-Social Change”.

For full details please see the call for EOIs below.

Call for Expressions of Interest

We are interested in bringing together researchers working in critical social marketing and related
areas who have works in progress or more established research they would like to share for
discussion. The symposium will be run in a dialogic way, with an emphasis on feedback, constructive
comment, and probing questions to help attendees refine their thinking, forge connections and
develop ideas. We are interested in receiving expressions of interest (EOIs) in any area of marketing
and consumption research that relates to pro-social change, and that takes a critical, theoretically
innovative or reflexive perspective. Below we revisit the remit of ‘Critical Social Marketing’, citing
Gordon et al (2022, pp. 1045-1046):

“CSM involves critically analysing social marketing theories, concepts, discourses, and practice
and/or examining the deleterious impact of commercial marketing activities on social marketing
problems - to generate critique, conflict and change that facilitates emancipatory social good
(Gordon, 2018). In social marketing, ‘social good’ refers to the inherent goal to improve
personal and societal welfare (Andreasen, 1994). CSM scholarship seeks to question the
normative values, ethics, morals, politics, theories, methods, principles, and practices of social
marketing. There are many issues that could potentially fall within a CSM agenda, including but
not limited to: critical reflexivity, power, subjectivity, ethics, morals, identity, race, ethnicity,
gender, culture, colonisation, post-colonialism and decolonisation, critiques of commercial
marketing, nonrepresentational theory and methods, consumer vulnerability, corporate social
marketing, race and ethnicity, neoliberal capitalism, unintended consequences, and de-
individualisation through bio-socio-material perspectives. These areas signpost bodies of
literature and theoretical perspectives that help us think differently about the social problems
that social marketing seeks to address, or to engage differently with the lived experiences of
priority groups who are the focus of social marketing programmes”.

EOIs are welcome in any of the following areas, and more:

  • Theoretical innovations in social marketing drawing on critical social theory.
  • Constructive critique of social marketing theory, principles, research, policy and/or
  • Critical social marketing and critically informed consumption research with potential pro-
    social impact.
  • Navigating politics and policy agendas in and for social marketing.
  • Exploring and balancing rights and responsibilities, of individuals, cultures, institutions, and
  • Navigating partnerships in social marketing.
  •  Methods for reflexive social marketing.
  •  Intersectional perspectives in social marketing.
  •  Decolonising social marketing.
  •  Bringing under-represented voices into pro-social change.
  • and others…

Please send a maximum 500 words EOI setting out the research you plan to present. Accepted
authors’ EOIs will be shared with delegates in advance of the symposium.

Email your EOI to:

Deadline to submit your EOI: 12 May 2024


Symposium Format

The symposium will be organised around keynote presentations, workshops and a panel discussion.

The detailed programme can be seen here: Critical Social Marketing Symposium Programme (PDF , 427kb)


  • Lunch and refreshments will be provided.
  • Dinner in the evening for those who can stay will be self-funded.

For any questions about the event, please contact:

Register for this event


School for Business and Society ESMA University of Bristol

Venue details

  • Wheelchair accessible
  • Hearing loop