SBS/CEGBI Summer Conference 2023 Responsible Business and Regenerative Society
Event details
Responsible Business and Regenerative Society
Opening Keynote Speech:
Deeply Responsible Business. A Global History of Values-Driven Leaders
Geoffrey Jones, Isidor Strauss Professor of Business History, Havard Business School
Commentator: Bob Doherty, Dean of the School for Business and Society, University of York
9.00 – 10.00 am – Keynote Speech (Room: CL/A/057)
Chair: Teresa da Silva Lopes, SBS - University of York
‘Deeply Responsible Business: A Global History of Values-Driven Leadership’
Geoffrey Jones, Harvard Business School
Bob Doherty, School for Business and Society, University of York
10.00 – 11.30 - Parallel Sessions
A.1 Sustainability and Development (Room: CL/A/023)
Chair: Peter Ball, SBS - University of York
‘Mission Accomplished: The Roles of Mission Work in Balancing Narket Growth and Legitimacy Maintenance in Moral Markets’
Bob Doherty, SBS - University of York
‘Building Co-operation in Farmer Collectives and across 'Value' Chains: Institutional Dynamics and Power Relations in Central India'
Philip Hadley, SBS - University of York
‘Consumer Behaviors, Attitudes, and Concerns Regarding Imperfect Vegetable Purchases Through the Lens of SDG 12 Goals and Sustainable Consumption’
Khwanjira Ponsree, Khon Kaen University International College
‘Déjà Vu: Time and Space in Shaping Identity in Bangladeshi Tea Plantations’
Shahadat Khandakar, SBS – University of York
A.2 Professions and Wellbeing (Room: CL/A/025)
Chair: Martin Webber, SBS - University of York
‘We are Proximate to Them!”: How Semi-Professionals in an Outsourcing Relationship
Escape into Professionalism’
Diansha Wang, SBS - University of York
‘A Comparative Exploration of Capabilities and Wellbeing Among Legal Apprentices and Law Students’
Caroline Casey, SBS - University of York
‘Juggling on a Tightrope: Lived Experiences of Small Business Managers Responding to Employees with Mental Health Difficulties’.
Jane Suter, SBS - University of York
‘Making Values-Based Recruitment a Reality: The Use of Situational Judgement Tests in Social Care’
Mark Wilberforce, SBS - University of York
A.3 Crises, Uncertainty, and the Public Good (Room: CL/A/026)
Chair: Alison Glaister, SBS - University of York
‘History as a Resource of Critique in Uncertain Times: Goals of Responsible Business and Regenerative Society Framed by Reference to Persistent Challenges for Aligning Law and Corporate Officership’
Sarah Wilson, Law School - University of York
‘The Difficult History of ‘Managing for the Public Good’: A Documentary Analysis of the World Bank, 1968-1981’
Leo McCann, SBS - University of York
‘The Middle East North Africa migration crisis: mixed messages in the EU's Area of Freedom Security and Justice/Common Security and Defence Policy response’
Simon Sweeney, SBS - University of York
‘Levelling Up a ‘left behind’ place - Notes on regenerating Redcar & Cleveland’
Luke Telford, SBS - University of York
A.4 Creativity, Innovation and Support for Learning (Room: CL/A/027)
Chair: Caroline Chaffer, SBS - University of York
‘Synchronous live seminars in online teaching: Benefits, challenges, good practices’
Enrico Reuter, SBS - University of York
‘Gamification to expand business ethics teaching’
Laura Mitchell, SBS - University of York
‘From thinking to doing in an HE learning environment’
Bob Townley, Jane Neal- Smith and Gill Bishop, SBS - University of York
‘Supporting international postgraduate students in SBS’
Elina Stylianou, SBS , University of York
11.30 - 11.45 – Coffee Break
11.45 - 12.45 – Parallel Panel Sessions
Panel Session B1: Women in Academia (Room: CL/A/023)
Chair: Luisa Huatuco, SBS - University of York
- Yvonne Burks, SBS - University of York
- Anna Einarsdottir, SBS - University of York
- Gill Webb, SBS - University of York
- Deborah Roberts, SBS - University of York
- Federica Angeli, SBS - University of York
Panel Session B2: The Routes to Education-Focused Professor- Real Life Stories (Room: CL/A/057)
Chair: Gill Bishop, SBS - University of York
- Jill Webb, Faculty of Social Sciences and SBS, University of York
- Claire Ball- Smith, Dept. of Education, University of York
- Steve King, Executive Operations Dept., University of York
- Claire Hughes, Faculty of Sciences and Dept. of Environment and Geography, University of York
12.45 - 13.45 – Lunch
13.45 - 14.45 – Panel: Interdisciplinarity: Synergy or Tradeoff? (Room: CL/A/057)
Chair: Federica Angeli, SBS - University of York
- Nicholas Pleace, SBS - University of York
- Kristian Myrseth, SBS - University of York
- Leo McCann, SBS - University of York
14.45 - 15.00 – Coffee Break
15.00 - 16.15 – Parallel Sessions
D.1 ‘Risk Management and Value Creation’ (Room: CL/A/026)
Chair: Alexandra Dias, SBS - University of York
‘Transformative Value Creation for Sustainable Development Goals: A stakeholder Perspective’
Jacqueline You, SBS - University of York
‘Smart Products and R&D Effects of the Option to Update’
Nick Huberts, SBS - University of York
‘Risk Disclosure in the Central Governments: Assessment of the Current Practice in the UK and the Netherlands’
Silvia Pazzi, SBS - University of York
D.2 ‘Globalization, Responsibility and Transport’ (Room: CL/A/025)
Chair: Snehasish Banerjee, SBS - University of York
‘The Breakthrough of the Taiwanese Bicycle Industry’
Yoshikazu Sakamoto, Nihon University, Japan
‘Policy Implementation in Followers - A Case Study of Local Government Cycle Tourism Policies’
Hiroyuki Yamabe, Nara Prefectural University and SBS – University of York
‘Becoming a Responsible Employer under Colonialism: the case of the Tramways Company in 1950s Hong Kong’
David Clayton, History Department - University of York
D.3 Ethical Teaching and Entrepreneurship (Room: CL/A/023)
Chair: Antonios Roumpakis, SBS - University of York
‘Ethics Versus Expediency: a critical evaluation of the unanticipated consequences of innovative methods of assessment designed to enhance student academic skills and pre-professional development’
Frank Worthington, SBS - University of York
Academic dishonesty, essay mills, Artificial Intelligence: rethinking assessment strategies
Dr Simon Sweeney SBS, University of York
‘Social Entrepreneurship as a Strategy for Students’ Formation and Capacity building: The Case of LSEED Center of De La Salle University (Philippines)’
Norby Roque Salonga, De La Salle University, Philippines
‘The Role of Education and Training in Promoting Gender-Diversity in Entrepreneurship: A Study in Oman’
Hajar Al-Alawi, Buraimi University College
16.15 - 16.45 – Coffee Break “Scones and Strawberries”
16.45 - 18.00 – Closing Panel: Business and Society; Bringing Policy In (Room:CL/A/057)
Chair: Zoë Irving, SBS - University of York
- Karen Rowlingson, SBS - University of York
- John Hudson, SBS - University of York
- Kevin Farnsworth, SBS- University of York
18.00 - End of Conference
Professor Geoffrey Jones
Geoffrey Jones is the Isidor Strauss Professor of Business History at the Harvard Business School. He researches the history and impact of global business. His recent books include Beauty Imagined (Oxford University Press, 2010), Profits and Sustainability. A Global History of Green Entrepreneurship (Oxford University Press, 2017), and Deeply Responsible Business. A Global History of Values-Driven Leadership (Harvard University Press, 2023). He is a Corresponding Fellow of the British Academy, a Fellow of the Academy of International Business, and a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society.
Professor Teresa da Silva Lopes, Dr Zoë Irving