Algorithmic dwelling
This event has now finished.
Event details
How do we dwell alongside algorithms?
How do algorithms intervene in where and how we dwell?
As part of the Nuffield Foundation funded project Code Encounters: Algorithmic Risk Profiling in Housing, we are holding a symposium on the theme of the Algorithmic Dwelling on Thursday 12 January 2023 in the Piazza building (Heslington East).
If people are keen to attend or engage with the project, then please contact Alexandra Ciocanel.
10:45 Opening comments
11:00 Louise Amoore and Ben Jacobsen
12:00 Break
13:00 Joe Tomlinson and Jed Meers
14:00 Mark Wong
14:45 Break
15:00 Tom Wainwright
15:45 Joe Deville
16:30 Break
17:00 Code Encounters team
18:00 Close
About the speakers
Durham University
Department of Sociology, University of York
York Law School
York Law School
Royal Holloway, University of London
Lancaster University
Dr Alexandra Ciocanel