Improving the Agri-Food value chains to provide healthy and nutritious food for children in Ghana African Agri-food Knowledge Transfer Partnership - Progress dissemination event
Event details
The remit of AAKTP is that UK Universities will enhance their international impact via a fully funded International KTP programme focused on AgriFood. Back in 2020, an African University (University of Development Studies in Ghana), an SME business (SSCL) in Ghana, a graduate (associate) and a UK University (University of York) joined forces in order to redesign the agri-food value chain of the SME and develop an innovative, nutritious, food product that would improve the health and wellbeing of children from poor households.
As we are close to the completion of our AAKTP project, we would like to invite you to join us at a Progress Dissemination Event, hosted by Professor Jeff Jia and Dr Karolos Papadas, the AAKTP Associate, Valentine Acharibasam, will share the key highlights of this journey so far.
Register to attend
If you would like to join us, please complete the Google form to register your attendance by Friday 23 June.
About the speaker
Valentine Acharibasam
Valentine is a food security, hunger and malnutrition expert, currently working as a Knowledge Transfer Partnership Associate under the African Agrifood Knowledge Transfer Partnership (AAKTP) sponsored by Innovate UK. The project is entitled; Improved Agri-Food Value Chains for Fortified Blended Flours: A Nutrient-Rich, Healthy Recipe for School and Household meals in Ghana.
He is passionate about exploring indigenous raw materials and resources to solve the global issue of food security, hunger and malnutrition, through innovative food products and building a sustainable and resilient supply chain for fortified blended flours to tackle malnutrition and hunger.
He is working in collaboration with the University of York, the University for Development Studies - Ghana and Savannah and Sahel Commodities Limited in the Northern part of Ghana.
Venue details
Dr Karolos Papadas