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Mould-Megson marriage

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Mould-Megson marriage


Edward Mould et Anna Robinson in Connubio Copulati 8vo Novembris 1709


Edward Mould and Ann Robinson were joined in matrimony on the 8 November 1709

Marriage bond

(The Latin clause merely states that Edward Mould – and his unnamed partner in matrimony- have entered a bond to John archbishop of York, and to Henry Watkinson his vicar general and official, for two hundred pounds. Dated 7 November 1709)

Noverint universi per presentes, Nos, Edwardum Mould de civitate Ebor' generosum et [blank] teneri et firmiter obligari Reverendissimo in Christi Patri et Domino Domino Johanni Providentia Divina Eborum Archiepiscopo Angliae, Primati et Metropolitano, nec non venerabili viro Henrico Watkinson Legum Doctori, eius Vicario in Spiritualibus, generali et Officiali, Principali in Ducentis libris bonae et legalis Monetae Magnae Brit. Solvendis eisdem Reverendissimo in Christo Patri eius Vicario generali antedicto, vel eorum certis Attornatis, Executoribus, Administratoribus, Successoribus sive Assignatis suis: Ad quam quidem solutionem bene et fideliter faciendam, Obligamus Nos et [blank] nostrum per se pro toto et in solido Haeredes, Executores et Administrator' nostros firmiter per praesentes Sigillis nostris Sigillatum, Dat. Septimo die Novembris Anno Dom. 1709no

The Condition of this Obligation is such, That if the above-bounden Edward Mould and Elizabeth Robinson spinster now Licensed to be Married together be neither of Consanuinity or Affinity the one to the other, within the Degrees prohibited for Marriage: If also there be no precontract of Matrimony betwixt either of the said Parties and any other Person or Persons whatsoever, but that they be lawfully Married together, both by the Laws of God, and this Land: Moreover, If the Parents of the said Parties, (if they be living) or otherwise their Tutors and Governours (if they have any) be thereunto agreeing: And lastly, if the said Marriage be done and Solemnized in such manner as in the License to them granted is Limited: Then this Obligation to be void, or else to remain in full force and venture.