[Back to Margery Blakelocke's story]
In primis ponit et articulatur quod dicta Margeria Blakelocke alias Lepp[ington] fuit et est fatua ac stolida et ignava, tantumque defectum capacit .. seu intellectus passa fuit et est, quod licet sit etatis viginti quatuor annorum et ultra, tamen nec numerare potuit aut potest ad vigniti quindecim vel decem, nec orationem dominicam dicere, neque q[uantum] sunt dies in hebdomada vel quo nomine appelletur pater vel mater eius exprimere seu ostendere, nec alicui huiusmodi questioni quantumvis facillime apte et condere nec sibi vestes suus ut decet induere, neque unquam aliquid potuit aut potest quod intellectum vel prudentiam exigit prestare, ac multo prominus quid sit matrimonium seu officia coniungalia aliqua intelligere vel implere, immo parum a bruto sive animali irrationalli differebat et differt. Ac pro tali et ut talis fuit et est communiter dicta tenta habita nominata et reputata palam publice atque notorie in [dicta crossed out] parochiis de Folton et Bridlington predictis aliisque locis viciniis. Et ponit atque articulatur conversm diversim et de quolibet.
Item ponit et articulatur quod premissis non obstantibus dictus Willelmus Leppington circiter sex vel septem annos iam ultimo elapsos tunc temporis in decimotertio etatis sue anno constitutus et non ultra seu saltem ante completum decimquartum etatis sue annum. Et dicta Margeria Blakelocke matrimonium presentem de facto cum de iure non potuerunt nec eorum alter potuit, tum propter defectum etatis in dicto Willelmo tum propter defectum intellectus et iudicii eiusdem Margerie in facie ecclesie parochialis de Folton Eboracen diocesi contraxerunt et solemnizarunt. Et ponit atque articulatur de tali et tanto tempore modo et forma premissorum qualiter et quantiter in eventu huius litis probantur. Ac conversim diversim et de quolibet.
Item ponit et articulatur quod post matrimonium presentem predictum seu potius matrimonii presenti predicti effigiem sit (ut premittitur) de facto contractat et solemnizat neque Willelmus in prefatam Margeriam tanquam uxorem suam unquam consentiit, neque eadem Margeria in dictum Willelmum tanquam maritum suum unquam consentiit, nec ratione fatuitatis sue predicte consentire potuit. Et quod dictus Willelmus non solum (ut premittitur) non consentiit sed de tempore in tempus, et presertim statim ante apud et post tempus completionis decimquarti etatis sue anni et in eo expresse in matrimonium presentem predictum et dictam Margeriam tamquam in uxorem suam dissentiit ac re et verbis reclamabit, necnon a consortio, mutua cohabitatione et carnali comixtione ac etiam ab omni osculo et affectione maritali cum dicta Margeria omnino abstinuit et abstinet ac abstinere intendit prout in eventu huius litis latius probabitur. Ponit tamen ut supra.
Firstly he propounds and it is stated that the said Margery Blakelocke otherwise Leppington was and is a fool and stupid and ignorant and suffered and suffers from such a defect of understanding or intelligence that although she is declared to be over 24 years of age she it not able, and has not been able to count to twenty, fifteen or ten, nor to say the Lord's prayer, nor to say how many days there are in the week nor to state her father's or mother's name nor to answer any question easily and suitably nor to put on her clothes decently. Nor was she or is she able to demonstrate intelligence or prudence or to understand or undertake matrimony or other conjugal offices, indeed she scarcely differs from a brute beast. And all this is commonly known and stated publicly in the parishes of Folkton and Bridlington and other neighbouring areas. And this he propounds and is stated separately and together.
Also he propounds and it is stated that, the aforementioned not withstanding, William Leppington, about six or seven year ago, being then in his fourteenth year but not having completed fourteen years of his age and the said Margery Blakelocke were contracted into and solemnized their marriage, in deed only since in law neither of them were able to do so (on account of the said William's defect of age and the said Margery's defect of understanding and intellect) in the parish church of Folkton in the diocese of York. And he propounds and it is stated separately and together that the form of the aforementioned will be proved in this case.
Also he propounds and it is stated that after the present aforesaid marriage, or rather after the apparent present aforesaid matrimony (as is above stated) was contracted and solemnized by deed, neither did William ever consent to have the aforesaid Margery as his wife, nor did the aforesaid Margery ever consent to have the said William as her husband, nor because of her foolishness was she able to consent. And that the aforesaid William not only (as has been stated) did not consent by from time to time and immediately after the completion of his fourteenth year he expressly spoke against the present aforesaid marriage and against Margery as his wife and denounced it by word and deed, and he has abstained, abstains and intends (in the event of this case being proved) to continue to abstain from cohabitation with, carnal knowledge of and even kissing or showing marital affection towards the said Margery. And he propounds as above.