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Richard Fox account

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Richard Fox account


Super primo articulo examinatus dicit (Concerning the first article the examinate says) that the said Margerie is a  verie foole and so commonlie accomptid and this examinate hath hered that she cannot tell to xxtie nor tell hir fathers or mothers name, nor answer any question oneles she be taught. Et aliter nescit deponere (and otherwise he knows nothing to depose) saving he thinketh she is some xxxtie yeres old.

Super secundo articulo examinatus dicit (Concerning the second article the examinate says) that this examinate about xi yeres since so near as he remembreth did solemnize marriage in Folkton church artiulate betwixt eight and xii of the clock in the forenoon betwixt the said William and Margerie according to the orer of the book of common praier in presence of divers persons. Et aliter nescit deponere. (and otherwise he knows nothing to depose)

Super tertio articulo examinatus dicit (Concerning the third article the examinate says) that since the said marriage this examinate hath herd the said William Lepington from tyme to tyme say that he wold never give his consent to the asid marriage as to his wife nor accept hir as his wife nor cohabit with hir nether hath the said William ever cohabited with her or usid her as his wife since the mariage aforesaid that this examinate knoweth of being a neightbour to him some two miles oft. Et aliter nescit deponere. (and otherwise he knows nothing to depose)