Accessibility statement

Amanda Jones


I am an archivist at the Borthwick Institute, with special responsibility for preservation and modern records (dating from 1500 onwards). Archives I have catalogued include the York Waterworks Company, the Earl of Halifax's Garrowby estate records, York and Acomb Brickworks, and the British Music Society of York. I am currently cataloguing the archives of Terry's, the renowned York confectionary company, and the Educational Interchange Council, which was set up to promote international understanding.

I teach early modern palaeography to History undergraduates and provide archival-based sessions for undergraduates and postgraduates from a wide range of departments.

I have research interests in popular protest in early modern England, which I developed whilst studying History at the University of Warwick. My PhD thesis examined the English Risings of 1549. Before joining the Borthwick I worked on a research project at the University of Cambridge entitled 'Male occupational change and economic growth in England 1750-1851'.



MA Archives and Records Management University College London
PhD University of Warwick
MA University of Warwick
BA University of Warwick