York Biomedical Research Institute (YBRI) was launched in December 2018.

YBRI is led by a management team and academic membership spans departments across the Faculty of Sciences (Biology, ChemistryHealth Sciences, Hull York Medical School, Mathematics, Psychology and the School of Physics, Engineering and Technology).

YBRI strategy

Our mission is to advance discoveries in biomedical sciences; to inspire, train and mentor the next generation of biomedical researchers; and to understand disease processes to positively impact health and wellbeing. We are tackling this by engaging with and pursuing multidisciplinary discovery biomedical science in a multitude of areas, ranging from molecular mechanisms to patient-based studies.

We aspire to construct collaborative networks and bring together a critical mass of biomedical researchers in York to grow innovative fundamental, experimental and translational multi-disciplinary research in the biomedical and clinical sciences.

Our values

We are led by our core values:

  • Interdisciplinary: To combine expertise of multiple disciplines and technologies, thinking across boundaries
  • Collaboration: To work together with internal and external partners to achieve common goals
  • Excellence: To produce quality, innovative science
  • Integrity: To follow the highest standards of scientific integrity in data capture, analysis and sharing
  • Delivery: To produce outputs that make an impact on human health and wellbeing

Contact us

York Biomedical Research Institute

Department of Biology, Wentworth Way, University of York, York, YO10 5NG

Our research

Contact us

York Biomedical Research Institute

Department of Biology, Wentworth Way, University of York, York, YO10 5NG