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Confocal Microscopy Course

Confocal Microscopy Course

1st-4th April 2025

lease contact for further information

Introduction:  An intensive, hands-on, four-day training course in the rapidly developing techniques of confocal microscopy.

I really appreciated very much what all of you did last week.  It was probably the best course I've ever been to.

The course will initially cover basic confocal but then swiftly move on to the more advanced techniques such as FRAP, FRET and spectral unmixing. Over the four days, all participants will have used four different confocal set-ups typically included the latest Zeiss confocal microscopes (including the LSM980 Airyscan2 and LSM880 AiryScan) on inverted and upright microscopes, and often an Andor Dragonfly spinning disk confocal. To demonstrate each technique, a wide range of both samples (plants to cell culture) and labels (antibody to fluorescent proteins) will be used. Participants are welcome to bring their own samples.

The course is taught by academic and research staff of the University of York Technology Facility and specialists from Zeiss and Andor. The University of York is pleased to present the course in collaboration with Carl Zeiss and Andor.

Based on nearly 15 years, it is anticipated that participants will come from both academia and industry throughout the UK, Europe and the rest of the world.

Course Benefits:  This intensive, four-day training course will be of value to anyone wanting to gain hands-on experience of modern confocal techniques. Participants are encouraged to bring their own samples. In addition to the hands-on component, the course will include tutorials on the theory and practice of all the techniques and methods covered, as well as many other relevant topics in the field.

An essential feature of our course is the unique combination of practical, laboratory-based work with both taught and tutorial-style classroom sessions. The Technology Facility labs are extremely well equipped with a variety of the latest confocal microscopes. Participants will have the opportunity to analyse their own samples during the free format session on Friday.

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More Information

For any further questions concerning the course itself, please contact:

Dr Peter O'Toole
Department of Biology (Area 15)
University of York
York YO10 5DD
Tel: +44 (0)1904 328722
Fax: +44 (0)1904 328804
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