Accessibility statement

Dr Peter O'Toole
Head of Imaging and Cytometry


Peter O'Toole gained his PhD in the Cell Biophysics Laboratory at the University of Essex and has been involved in many aspects of fluorescence imaging and flow cytometry. Since arriving at York, he has firmly established the Imaging and Cytometry Laboratory as one of the top European centres

With multiple close and personal external collaborations and consultancy agreements, including current agreements with  Carl Zeiss, Beckman Coulter and Phase Focus, the lab remains equipped with the very latest equipment and is playing a key role in influencing the direction of future commercial systems.

Peter’s research is now focussed on both technology and method development. Peter is PI/Co-PI on multiple funded grants. These include current funding from PALM/STORM/SIM for Super Resolution Microscopy at York; a Wellcome Trust Technology Development Grant, ‘Photonic hyperspectral no-label spotter (PHENOSPOT)’; EDCTP, a Clinical development of a therapeutic vaccine for prevention of post kala azar dermal leishmaniasis; Digital Spatial Profiling in biomedical research with the Wellcome Trust; BBSRC for a Deep Learning and new analytical approaches for live cell imaging;

Peter is involved in a York-Maastricht Partnership Investment Fund working on Immune system regulated metabolism across diseases.

Aside from running the facility and research, Peter also holds multiple key positions with different organisations.  Peter is Vice President of the Royal Microscopical Society, an executive committee member of CTLS, and sits on the European Light Microscopy Initiative steering committee.

He also sits on numerous grant panels including BBSRC ALERT, MRC Capital Equipment, Wellcome Trust, and for Chan Zuckerberg Science.

Finally, Peter also organises a host of microscopy and cytometry courses that have now been running for over 18 years and attract delegates from every corner of the industrial world.  These include small hands-on confocal and flow cytometry courses to the Royal Microscopical Society Light Microscopy Summer School and Practical Flow Cytometry Courses. Peter was Chair of the MicroScience Microscopy Congress 2012/14/15/17 and has been Vice Chair for the European Microscopy Congress 2012 and Chair of ELMI 2007, 2018 and 2021. He has also helped kick start the Facility Meetings for LM and Flow cytometry, hosting the inaugural meetings and helping these develop to sustainable key meetings for the community.


2016 - present Director Bioscience Technology Facility
2002 - present Head of Imaging and Cytometry Department of Biology, University of York
1998 - 2002 Post-doc University of Essex
1998 PhD University of Essex
1994  BSc (hons) University of Essex


Contact details

Dr Peter O'Toole
Head of Imaging and Cytometry
Department of Biology
University of York
YO10 5DD

Tel: 01904 328722
Fax: 01904 328804