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Dr Charlotta Boiers - Lund University

Wednesday 27 November 2024, 1.00PM to 2pm

Speaker(s): Dr Charlotta Boiers

From development to malignancy: Modelling the origin of childhood leukemia

Acute leukemia is among the most frequent cancers in children, primarily affecting the lymphoid lineage. Pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) differs from its adult counterpart in several ways, including a higher incidence rate, better prognosis, and distinct mutational spectra. Furthermore, many of the initiating mutations in childhood leukemia have been shown to occur during fetal development, creating pre-leukemic clones that are predisposed to progress to leukemia upon acquiring additional mutations. My research lab focuses on understanding the early pre-leukemic events that initiate this disease and exploring why the fetal hematopoietic environment is particularly vulnerable to these changes.”


Location: B/K/018 Dianne Bowles Lecture Theatre