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Making New Medicines at the Alzheimer’s Research UK funded Drug Discovery Institute (DDI)

Wednesday 18 October 2023, 1.00PM to 2.00PM

Speaker(s): Professor Fiona Ducotterd, Alzheimer’s Research UK | UCL Drug Discovery Institute

The ARUK Drug Discovery Institute (UDDI) at University College London combines emerging academic innovation with industry-standard drug discovery capabilities, to accelerate the discovery of small molecule therapeutics for novel targets in Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative diseases, and prepare them for industry partnering for development.

This talk will introduce the infrastructure and capabilities at the UDDI and share some case studies of translational research projects that are being progressed in the UDDI portfolio with leading academic collaborators. The UDDI is always open to new collaboration opportunities and at the end of the talk there will be a chance for open discussion on models for collaboration.

Location: B/B/006