Accessibility statement

Hybrid barley breeding

Tuesday 5 February 2019, 1.00PM

Speaker(s): Dr Monika Spiller, Syngenta GmbH

In the face of climate change and rapid world population increase, the development and establishment of hybrid cereals promises to help secure the global demand for these important staple foods and feeds.  Hybrid crops are generally more reliably yielding and performing even under marginal conditions and outperforming under optimal cultivation protocols.

Since wheat and barley are domesticated as self-pollinating crops, one needs to educate them first to become cross-pollinating.  This has to be done in such a manner that the additional value of planting hybrid cereals is kept attractive for the farmer despite having higher seed costs.

Hybrid barley serves as a commercial model to demonstrate and educate the market for the use of hybrid cereals.  I will present hybrid barley breeding in the context of European winter barley markets, showcase the differences between conventional inbred and hybrid breeding and give an overview from hybridization system to commercial seed production.

More information on Dr Monika Spiller

Location: K018
