Accessibility statement

Investigating the role of chromatin remodelling in plant immunity

Tuesday 22 January 2019, 1.00PM

Speaker(s): Dr Vardis Ntoukakis, University of Warwick

Plants are sessile organisms exposed to a variety of environmental challenges including pathogen infection. During pathogen attack, plants rapidly respond to infection via the recruitment and activation of immune complexes. Despite our extensive understanding of how plants perceive pathogens, little is known about the downstream responses leading to immunity. Part of the immune responses to pathogens is reprogramming of gene expression. A major mechanism controlling the modulation of gene expression is chromatin remodelling. Chromatin remodelling requires covalent modifications of histones and/or the action of ATP-dependent chromatin remodelling complexes. Using reverse genetic approaches, we identified and we are currently characterizing histone acetyltransferases and ATP-dependent chromatin remodelling complexes that regulate stress responses.

More information on Dr Vardis Ntoukakis

Location: K018
