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Emerging Pathogens: Ecology, Economics and Evolution

Thursday 15 October 2020, 1.00PM

Speaker(s): Professor Andy Dobson, Princeton University

Covid-19 has focused all of our minds. We have comprehensively recognized that Nature can still surprise us in profound and deeply disconcerting ways. How many other surprises are out there that might cause similar problems for human health and economic well-being? I'll initially discuss rates of emergence of novel viral pathogens and the mechanisms underlying ways in which viruses cross the species barrier. This will lead to a discussion of things we can do to reduce the potential rate at which new viruses emerge. Most of these mechanisms are ones which will concomitantly reduce the rates of loss of biological diversity and potentially slow climate change; the two factors that present equally dramatic existentialist threats to human well-being. I will then briefly compare the cost of preventing future viral outbreaks with the economic costs of the current Covid-19 pandemic. If time permits, I'll present some insights into whether Covid-19 will evolve to become more virulent.

The seminar will be hosted using Zoom. A Google calendar invite featuring the Zoom link will be sent to Biology staff and students before the seminar date. For all enquiries please contact Biology DMT Hub.

Location: Zoom (online)