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Working for an industrial biotech SME: Building a career when you have no idea where you're going!

Wednesday 9 November 2016, 10.00AM

Speaker(s): Dr Liz Jenkinson, Green Biologics Ltd

Since getting my PhD, I have spent the last 10 years trying to figure out what I want to do with my life. Most of that time has been spent in one company, Green Biologics Ltd, where I have had the opportunity to build skills and experience the science that happens outside of the lab, a place that I had previously never even considered inhabiting. Working in industrial biotech, and particularly working for a small company, has opened up many options to me, many of which I had never thought of as young graduate. Whether I now consider myself a group leader, project manager, grant writer, innovator, RRI advocate, academic liaison, placements co-ordinator, or social media expert (sort of), a career in industrial biotech has broadened my skillset and allowed me to determine which roles I love and which I loathe. Regardless of whether you know where your career is headed or not, it is important to take every opportunity you are given, you may be surprised by hidden skills that can take you to places you may never have considered.

This is a great opportunity to find out about life after York in a Biosciences career, and to catch up with Liz if you knew her during her time at York. There will be plenty of opportunity to ask questions, and the session is open to all staff and students. 




Location: B/T/005

Admission: All staff and students
