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B Cell-Stomal Cell Interactions Drive Lymphoid Remodelling and are Required for Efficient Adaptive Immune Responses against Intestinal Helminths

Friday 29 June 2018, 1.00PM

Speaker(s): Professor Nicola Harris

Intestinal helminth infection drives type 2 adaptive immune responses in the draining mesenteric lymph nodes (mLN) that are essential for the development of protective immunity and for parasite expulsion. Close analysis of the mLNs in helminth infected mice revealed that helminth infection results in a dramatic remodeling of the entire lymph node chain including the formation of new, centrally located, B cell follicles. Lymphotoxin- dependent crosstalk between B cells and Fibrobastic Reticular Cells (FRCs) was required for lymphoid remodeling which was necessary for optimal T and B cell responses. B cell-stromal cell crosstalk also promoted mLN lymphangiogenesis, which involved a signaling loop between the B cells and fibroblastic reticular cells (FRCs) that promoted the expansion of lymphatic endothelial cells (LECs) and promoted dendritic cell (DC) entry. These data reveal an unexpected complexity of cellular interactions within the type 2 inflamed mLN - highlighting novel roles for B cells as promoters of lymphoid remodeling and the regulation of type 2 adaptive immune responses.

This seminar is part of the York & Manchester seminar series 

Location: Q014
