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Palmitoylation-dependent control of Neuronal Kinase Signalling - more than Location, Location, Location

Tuesday 20 September 2016, 2.00PM

Speaker(s): Dr Gareth Thomas,Temple University School of Medicine, Philadelphia

Abstract: At every moment, our nervous system must sense vast amounts of information from the environment. Integrating this information and ensuring appropriate biological responses requires that neuronal intracellular signals must be coordinated and controlled with exquisite spatial specificity. We are interested in how neurons meet this challenge, focusing on how the protein-lipid modification palmitoylation ensures the fidelity of intracellular signaling by targeting neuronal signaling enzymes to specific locations. Our recent work has revealed key roles for palmitoylation in the regulation of specific synaptic connections in the Central Nervous System (CNS). We are also discovering new roles for palmitoylation in long distance signaling from distal axons back to neuronal cell bodies, a process that is important for correct peripheral nervous system (PNS) development and for regeneration following PNS injury. Our work is not only providing new insights into physiological neuronal regulation, but may also reveal new therapeutic targets to ameliorate the numerous neurodevelopmental, neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative conditions in which neuronal intracellular signaling is impaired.

Host: Gareth Evans

Location: Williamson Rooms

Admission: All welcome
