All liquid nitrogen users must be made aware of the properties and hazards and be fully trained in the local lab arrangements for the usage, storage and transportation before starting any work activity involving liquid nitrogen.
It is the responsibility of Supervisors of all workers to ensure that workers are trained.
PPE (minimally a face shield and thermal protective gloves) must be available and must be worn when handling Liquid Nitrogen
Users of the E012 LN2 can be given local training by their supervisor, other lab users or the Biology Infrastructure team to dispense small volumes of liquid nitrogen from the non-pressurised 25L onion into smaller dewars for use in laboratories for snap freezing samples, etc.
Departmental Training
All users of the departmental liquid nitrogen dispensing compound outside F block (aka the BOC LN2 compound) must be trained and authorised to access this facility. Please contact to arrange training. This is for the collection of 5-25L LN2 in a non-pressurised dewar or collecting upto 240L LN2 in pressurised (departmental or lab owned pressure vessls) vessels to maintain LN2 levels in lab baed storage tanks.