Accessibility statement

Safety Glasses

  • Safety glasses must be available for all laboratory workers
  • Safety glasses should be worn in the following circumstances:
    • for all activities presenting a risk of eye splash injury, e.g. dispensing cultures, opening cryovials, working with liquids under pressure (e.g. filtering liquids with syringe)
    • when working with high pressure systems, or glassware operated under vacuum (e.g. removing items from an autoclave)
  • Although there is no specific policy for wearing contact lenses in the laboratory, the general policy on wearing eye protection where a splash risk injury is identified would still apply.  In other words, if there is a need to wear safety glasses you will be protected whether you wear contact lenses or not
  • Contact lens wearers can wear them in the laboratory provided wear eye protection is worn when considered necessary
  • Prescription safety glasses will provide some splash protection, and adequate for low risk activities where splash injury could occur.  However, for higher risk activities (e.g. dispensing strong acids) you should wear 'overspecs' to improve the level of protection.