TAPs must be recorded via Skills Forge
Each research student will have a Thesis Advisory Panel (TAP). The principal purposes of the panel are to review the progress of the student’s research programme and Professional Development Plan (PDP), and to supplement, where appropriate, the advice and guidance given to the student by the supervisor(s). TAPs meet with students in the first 3 months of their PhD and every 6 months thereafter. Within the TAP meeting students give a short presentation updating the panel of their progress. Ahead of each meeting the student circulates a report describing progress on the project. Further infomation is included in the tabs at the bottom of this page and within the university policy on research degrees and in the Biology TAP meetings guidance for PGR students and TAP members.
Key actions for students:
TAP Meeting Deadlines
TAP 1 (within first 3 months of your start date)
TAP 2 (within first 9 months of your start date)
Skills Forge: Completing a TAP preparation form (Students) (PDF , 143kb)
Skills Forge: Completing a TAP meeting record form (TAP Panel) (PDF , 193kb)
The TAP consists of the supervisor(s) and at least one additional member of Biology academic staff to act as an independent panel member. A second independent panel member can be included where necessary, for example when a project is multidisciplinary in nature and the panel would benefit from a broader skill set. The second independent member may also be from the TF or an independently-funded research fellow. Industrial supervisors of a CASE jointly-supervised project should also be on the TAP. Post-doctoral research staff who are involved in project supervision can attend TAP meetings.
The composition of the TAP should be carefully considered (in terms of the number of people, their expertise and their experience) to ensure that it can properly fulfill its purpose.
The full TAP (the full supervisory team and TAP member) is required to attend the 3 month meeting.
Full attendance is preferable at the 9 month meeting, but if this proves impractical, it is sufficient that the meeting should include the student, the main supervisor and TAP member who is a member of the academic staff in the Biology Department. All meetings should be take place face to face where possible.
A 1 hour meeting focused on the student’s progress and plans, with:
A 10 min presentation by the student covering work completed since the last TAP meeting. With questions and discussion this is expected to extend beyond 10 minutes, but it provides an indication of length and number of slides to be used (10-15).
Discussion on the student’s plans for the next few months working towards the next TAP meeting.
A 5 - 10 minute discussion about the student's professional development using their Professional Development Plan.
Review of Supervision discussion between the student and independent TAP member(s) with the supervisors out of the room. Please use our new REVIEW OF SUPERVISION FORM 2024/25.
The descriptions below are guidelines. TAP reports should follow the structure of a scientific report but no specific style is required. In combination with the TAP preparation form, reports should provide detail in order to reflect on and summarise progress on the work since the previous TAP meeting. The exact content will vary between students and you should discuss this with your supervisor. In addition to the TAP report, an updated version of your Professional Development Plan (PDP) should be completed for each TAP meeting.
Example TAP reports can be viewed on the VLE.
Three month TAP: A copy of your PDP and a 2,000 word (maximum) report outlining plans and first experiments. The student's report is due at least one week before the TAP meeting, and the meeting should take place within the first three months of the project.
Nine month TAP: An updated version of your PDP and a 1,000 word (maximum) report on recent achievements, a first draft of some part of the thesis, and a timetable for completion of the thesis. To ensure that the experimental programme is on course for completion within 12 months.
TAP members are asked to discuss supervision with the student once the supervisor/s has left the room (video call). This should include a discussion on a student wellbeing and whether annual leave is being taken. Please complete this new REVIEW OF SUPERVISION FORM 2024/25.
The BiolGrad Office will be automatically notified when a new form is submitted.
The following points indicate the minimum level of engagement expected of our students, if you are not achieving these levels then you are advised to seek help at the earliest opportunity:
Student responsibilities include:
What help is available should things go wrong?
In the Department, talk to one or some of the following people:
Outside of the Department:
Contact the Student Hub
Other sources of assistance for students
Contact the GSA (Graduate Students’ Assoc.)