Thesis Advisory Panels: PhD Students
TAPs must be recorded via Skills Forge
Each research student will have a Thesis Advisory Panel (TAP). The principal purposes of the panel are to review the progress of the student’s research programme and Professional Development Plan (PDP), and to supplement, where appropriate, the advice and guidance given to the student by the supervisor(s). TAPs meet with students in the first 3 months of their PhD and every 6 months thereafter. Within the TAP meeting students give a short presentation updating the panel of their progress. Ahead of each meeting the student circulates a report describing progress on the project. Further infomation is included in the tabs at the bottom of this page and within the university policy on research degrees and in the Biology TAP meetings guidance for PGR students and TAP members.
Key actions for students:
- Complete the TAP membership form 2024/25 (in consultation with supervisory team) before the end of the first month. TAP membership requires formal approval by the departmental Graduate School Board.
- Organise TAP meetings well in advance and preferably near the start of the academic year (academics have very busy diaries and TAP meetings must keep to schedule). Doodle is a useful tool.
- Discuss the content of your TAP report with your supervisor/s and allow time for them to comment on drafts;
- Students must complete, with their supervisor, the TAP preparation form on Skillsforge at least in one week in advance of the meeting date
- Students must circulate their report and PDP to their TAP at least one week in advance of the meeting date.
- Enter all TAP meeting notes directly into Skillsforge and use a PC to complete the REVIEW OF SUPERVISION 2024/25 (new form) to EVERY meeting.
TAP Meeting Deadlines
TAP 1 (within first 3 months of your start date)
TAP 2 (within first 9 months of your start date)
If PIPs or CASE placements clash with these dates, permission must be sought from the BiolGrad Office for extensions. Use the Request to delay a TAP Meeting 2024/25 form. BiolGrad will receive an automatic notification when you submit the form.
These dates apply to students who began their studies in October. Late starters and students who have taken a break in their studies can view their deadlines on Skillsforge.
TAP meeting requirements during write-up period
Skills Forge: Completing a TAP preparation form (Students)
Skills Forge: Completing a TAP meeting record form (TAP Panel)
TAP membership
The TAP consists of the supervisor(s) and at least one additional member of Biology academic staff to act as an independent panel member. A second independent panel member can be included where necessary, for example when a project is multidisciplinary in nature and the panel would benefit from a broader skill set. The second independent member may also be from the TF or an independently-funded research fellow. Industrial supervisors of a CASE jointly-supervised project should also be on the TAP. Post-doctoral research staff who are involved in project supervision can attend TAP meetings.
The composition of the TAP should be carefully considered (in terms of the number of people, their expertise and their experience) to ensure that it can properly fulfill its purpose.
Please nominate your TAP members by completing the TAP membership form 2024/25.
Who should attend the meetings?
The full TAP (the full supervisory team and TAP member) is required to attend the first TAP1 (3 month) meeting.
Full attendance is preferable at the other meetings, but if this proves impractical, it is sufficient that the meeting should include the student, the main supervisor and one TAP member who is a member of the academic staff in the Biology Department. All meetings should be run face to face where possible.
TAP Meeting Structure
A 1 hour meeting focused on the student’s progress and plans, with:
A 10 min presentation by the student covering work completed since the last TAP meeting. With questions and discussion this is expected to extend beyond 10 minutes, but it provides an indication of length and number of slides to be used (10-15).
Discussion on the student’s plans for the next few months working towards the FRP meeting.
A 5 - 10 minute discussion about the student's professional development using their Professional Development Plan.
Review of Supervision discussion between the student and independent TAP member(s) with the supervisors out of the room. Please use our new REVIEW OF SUPERVISION FORM 2024/25.
Information regarding TAP report content
The descriptions below are guidelines. TAP reports should follow the structure of a scientific report but no specific style is required. In combination with the TAP preparation form, reports should provide detail in order to reflect on and summarise progress on the work since the previous TAP meeting. The exact content will vary between students and you should discuss this with your supervisor. In addition to the TAP report, an updated version of your Professional Development Plan (PDP) should be completed for each TAP meeting.
Example TAP reports can be viewed on the VLE.
Year 1
- Year 1 TAP 1 (3 months)
- Before the meeting: A copy of your PDP and a 1000 word report outlining the proposed project and experimental/research plans; An adequate SkillsForge record.
- At the meeting: normally a short presentation on the background material supporting their research project.
- Year 1 TAP 2 (9 months
- Before the meeting: An updated version of your PDP, an adequate Skills Forge training record, and a report of 2000 - 3000 words including introduction, methods, preliminary results, discussion and a plan for future work with timeline. This will become a “living” TAP report that you can update and add to for subsequent TAP meetings.
- At the meeting: normally a short presentation. Ensure PDP, TAP report (in pdf format) and TAP presentation files are also uploaded to the FRP preparation form.
Year 2
- Year 2 TAP 1 (15 months)
- Before the meeting: An updated version of your PDP, an adequate Skillsforge training record, and an updated copy of your “living” TAP report in which you continue to develop the introduction to your research, detail new methods and results, expand your discussion based on these results, and provide a plan for future work. Please highlight changes/new material added since the last TAP.
- At the meeting: normally a short presentation.
- Year 2 TAP 2 (21 months)
- Before the meeting: An updated version of your PDP, an adequate Skillsforge training record, and an updated copy of your “living” TAP report in which you continue to develop the introduction to your research, detail new methods and results, expand your discussion based on new results, and provide a plan for future work with a timeline. Please highlight changes/new material added since the last TAP.
- At the meeting: normally a short presentation. Ensure PDP, TAP report (in pdf format) and TAP presentation files are also uploaded to the FRP preparation form.
Year 3 of 3
- Year 3 TAP 1 (27 months)
- Before the meeting: An updated version of your PDP, an adequate Skillsforge training record, an updated copy of your “living” TAP report which you are continuing to develop towards a draft of your thesis, and provide a timeline for completion; Please highlight changes/new material added since the last TAP.
- At the meeting: normally a short presentation.
- Year 3 TAP 2 (32 months)
- Before the meeting: An updated version of your PDP, an adequate Skillsforge training record, and an updated copy of your “living” TAP report in which you are continuing to develop towards a draft of your thesis, and provide a timeline for completion; Please highlight changes/new material added since the last TAP.
- At the meeting: normally a short presentation on progress. Discussion to ensure that the experimental programme has been completed or, if any further work is planned, that it is essential and realistic. Ensure PDP, TAP report (in pdf format) and TAP presentation files are also uploaded to the FRP preparation form.
Year 3 of 4
- Year 3 TAP 1 (27 months)
- Before the meeting: An updated version of your PDP, an adequate Skillsforge training record, and an updated copy of your “living” TAP report in which you continue to develop the introduction to your research, detail new methods and results, expand your discussion based on new results, and provide a plan for future work; Please highlight changes/new material added since the last TAP.
- At the meeting: normally a short presentation.
- Year 3 TAP 2 (32 months)
- Before the meeting: An updated version of your PDP, an adequate Skillsforge training record, and an updated copy of your “living” TAP report in which you continue to develop the introduction to your research, detail new methods and results, expand your discussion based on new results, and provide a plan for future work with timeline; Please highlight changes/new material added since the last TAP.
- At the meeting: normally a short presentation. Ensure PDP, TAP report (in pdf format) and TAP presentation files are also uploaded to the FRP preparation form.
Year 4 of 4
- Year 4 TAP 1 (39 months)
- Before the meeting: An updated version of your PDP, an adequate Skills Forge training record, and an updated copy of your “living” TAP report in which you are continuing to develop towards a draft of your thesis, and provide a timeline for completion; Please highlight changes/new material added since the last TAP.
- At the meeting: normally a short presentation on progress. Discussion to ensure that the experimental programme has been completed or, if any further work is planned, that it is essential and realistic.
- Year 4 TAP 2 (45 months)
- Before the meeting: An updated copy of your “living” TAP report in which you are continuing to develop into a draft thesis, and provide a timeline for completion. Please highlight changes/new material added since the last TAP.
- At the meeting: Discussion to ensure that the timetable for completion of the thesis is achievable. If an extension is required please read the guidelines for extensions to submission.
Review of supervision
Feeding back information on supervision
TAP members are asked to discuss supervision with the student once the supervisor/s has left the room (video call). This should include a discussion on a student wellbeing and whether annual leave is being taken. The REVIEW OF SUPERVISION 2024/25 form is confidential. Once submitted, BiolGrad will receive an automatic notification. Please don't bring a paper copy to the office or send it by email.
Research Student engagement
The following points indicate the minimum level of engagement expected of our students, if you are not achieving these levels then you are advised to seek help at the earliest opportunity:
- Working the equivalent of full-time in the lab/office (unless officially half-time), ie 5 days per week 09.00 to 17.00 (plus evenings and weekends when experiments require)
- Working from home requires prior permission from the supervisor/s
- Regular attendance at lab meetings and seminars
Student responsibilities include:
- Ensuring that TAP meetings are taking place on schedule
- Ensure all Skills Forge milestones are met
- Ensuring that supervisory reports are up to date
- Any periods of sick leave need to be documented by completion of the self-certification process any periods in addition/not covered by the self-certification process need to be covered by medical certificates.
What can students expect from their Academic Supervisor(s)
- Expectations in Research Supervision Questionnaire
Designed by YGRS to facilitate a discussion of expectations held by postgraduate researchers and supervisors. It is recommended that the form be completed independently by the supervisor(s) and the PGR and that the responses be the topic of discussion at a supervision meeting.
What help is available should things go wrong?
In the Department, talk to one or some of the following people:
Outside of the Department: