Comprehensive, industry-ready training and education for those working at the forefront of AI, autonomous systems and robotics technologies.  

As AI and autonomous technologies continue to advance, the need for training founded in evidence-based research around such systems becomes even more important. 

Our training programme centres on sharing what we've learned through our research and innovation projects with academics and industry partners to help attendees develop their expertise around AI, robotics and autonomous systems. Our training has helped software developers, safety engineers, senior leaders and regulators in organisations such as the NHS, Health and Safety Executive (HSE), RSSB, and Department for Transport (DfT).

A white graphic of people with speech bubbles over their heads on an orange background. A lightbulb sits above the group.

Industry training for AI and autonomy

AI and autonomy are significant disruptors to the way that an organisation works, what it means for systems, services and products to be safe and secure, and how these safety properties can be assured in practice. Our bespoke training addresses:

  • How to undertake responsible innovation incorporating safety & ethical considerations.
  • How to provide technical arguments and evidence for properties of autonomy or AI.
  • How to assure hybrid teams comprising humans and AI / autonomous systems.

Enquire about our bespoke training 

A white graphic sits on a teal background. The graphic is an outline of a cog, split in half with 'AI' in a square box in the centre. Computer connector lines spread out from the square

Training for regulators and policy makers

AI and autonomy might offer significant safety gains, however they also challenge existing safety mitigations in complex environments because of their reliance on machine decision making.  Our collaborative work to support new policies, regulations and standards means we can provide formative training on AI & autonomy:

  • Framing roadmaps for acceptable Responsible Innovation, incorporating safety & ethical considerations
  • Framing regulation and guidance for developers to provide credible technical arguments and evidence
  • Reviewing proposals for approval to introduce AI and autonomy

Enquire about our training