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Home>Centre for Assuring Autonomy>Impact

How can we be sure an autonomous system, like a self-driving car, assistive robot or drone, is safe and will act as expected? That’s exactly the problem being solved by the AAIP.

In 2018, Lloyd’s Register Foundation and the University of York established the AAIP. The scale and complexity of assuring the safety of autonomous systems have increased since we began, with new challenges emerging and wider societal impacts to consider.

We are making an impact that cuts through the noise and have established ourselves as the go-to experts in the safety of autonomous systems.

Read our impact report

Contact us

Centre for Assuring Autonomy
+44 (0)1904 325345
Institute for Safe Autonomy, University of York, Deramore Lane, York YO10 5GH

The assuring autonomy community

Find out how the international #AssuringAutonomy community is influencing the development and introduction of safer autonomous systems in a range of domains.

Impact report

Take a look at the short review of our emerging impact, based on work carried out by independent consultants.

Contact us

Centre for Assuring Autonomy
+44 (0)1904 325345
Institute for Safe Autonomy, University of York, Deramore Lane, York YO10 5GH