The AMLAS Tool

The AMLAS Tool has been developed to help you to work through the AMLAS process and create a safety case for your machine learnt (ML) component.

Use the tool to:

  • systematically guide you through the AMLAS activities enabling you to add artifacts as they are created
  • automatically create a safety case for the ML component as you work through AMLAS
  • keep track of your progress and see how much you have left to do
  • share the status of your ML safety case with other people

Please note that Microsoft Visio is required to use the AMLAS Tool.

Contact us

Centre for Assuring Autonomy
+44 (0)1904 325345
Institute for Safe Autonomy, University of York, York, YO10 5DD

AMLAS Tool downloads

Download the user guide for instructions on how to install and run the Tool. A video tutorial is also available.

Contact us

Centre for Assuring Autonomy
+44 (0)1904 325345
Institute for Safe Autonomy, University of York, York, YO10 5DD