Our funders and collaborators are integral to the work we do at the Centre

Our independence means we collaborate with partners in different sectors as well as multiple partners within a specific sector. For example collaborations in maritime include ship and equipment suppliers, class societies, national regulators, pilots, operators and insurers.

At present, we have partners in the following sectors:

  • Aerospace
  • Automotive
  • Healthcare
  • Maritime
  • Nuclear

We are always open to new partnerships and collaborations, if you work in one of the domains listed above or one not listed, but which could benefit from our research facilities and expertise, please get in touch using the button below. 

Become a partner

Our funders

Lloyd’s Register Foundation

Lloyd’s Register Foundation is an independent global charity that supports research, innovation, and education to make the world a safer place. Its mission is to use the best evidence and insight to help the global community focus on tackling the world’s most pressing safety and risk challenges. For more information, please visit Lloyd’s Register Foundation.

University of York

The University of York has built an international reputation for academic excellence since opening in 1963. The values which were integral to its creation - excellence, public good, equality, community and internationalism - continue to underpin our ethos and culture, and shape our approach to the societal challenges we face today. Our academic departments retain a high degree of autonomy, have the freedom to think creatively, cross disciplinary boundaries and establish pioneering research programmes that contribute to our goal of being a University for the public good. This commitment is reflected in our Gold TEF award and a top 10 University for REF.