1.2.1 Considering human/machine interactions

Assurance objective: Identify how interactions between humans and the RAS could bring about hazards.

Assurance objective: Identify training requirements for humans who interact with the RAS.

Contextual description: As part of identifying how the system may bring about hazards it is important to consider the necessary interactions between the RAS and the human (whether that is a system operator, or a third-party in the same environment as the RAS). A particular concern for RAS lies in the handover of control between the human and the machine, and the level of situational awareness that this might require on the part of the human. As well as identifying where such interactions may lead to hazardous behaviour, it is also necessary to consider the ways in which humans may need to be trained in order to interact safely with RAS.

Practical guidance:

1.2.1 Approach to demonstration tag social care (new 2019)

Read the guidance from the human factors in AI project