2.2.2 Defining requirements on components

Each of the SUDA elements may be implemented by a number of different components. For example, multiple components of different types might be used to provide the overall sensing capability of the RAS. It is important where this is done that the assurance of the individual components is considered.

Assurance objective: Define safety requirements for each component that are sufficient to ensure safe behaviour of that component.

Contextual description: Once the requirements each element of the RAS architecture are known and decisions have been made as to the components that will be used to implement this, more specific safety requirements on each of those components must be defined. These requirements must define what each component has to achieve if the safety requirements defined for that element of the RAS architecture are to be satisfied.

Practical guidance:  The approaches for demonstrating this objective will inevitably be technology specific, since they involves an understanding of the capabilities of particular components. Guidance may be provided on the advantages and limitations of different types of components in different domain applications as defined in the following sub-sections.


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