We lead research in education, community, health and inclusion across the School. We support existing projects, generate new ideas and bring researchers together.

The cluster also supports groups such as the Music Education Forum, York Music Psychology Group (YMPG) and the Musicians’ Health and Wellness Group and aims to widen understanding of ‘the researcher’ by extending published outputs and  empowering colleagues at all levels.

Contact us

Anna Bramwell-Dicks, Pete Dale, Liz Haddon and Naomi Norton
Education, community, health and inclusion research cluster leads



Music Education Forum

A group exploring pedagogical research, instrumental/vocal teaching and supporting wellbeing.

Musicians' Health and Wellness (MHW) Group

Promoting the health and wellness of musicians studying and working at York.


Contact us

Anna Bramwell-Dicks, Pete Dale, Liz Haddon and Naomi Norton
Education, community, health and inclusion research cluster leads
