The cultural and creative industries play a significant role in our daily lives and the economy. The products of this sector enhance how we understand the world, each other and our past, present and future.

The cultural and creative industries research cluster explores the business, policy and society context through which creative practitioners, companies and other organisations operate.

The cluster is interdisciplinary, with members from across the School of ACT and the University of York. Research focuses on topics including, among others, working conditions in the screen industries; global production contexts; equality, diversity and inclusion challenges for the creative industries; business models in film and music; fair work; skills and training; cultural consumption; and funding for arts and culture.

The work of the cluster seeks to create progressive change in the creative industries through theoretically informed and empirically rich research. To do this, cluster members engage with a range of stakeholders to take their work beyond academia. These include: policymakers at regional, national and international scales; third sector organisations; industry bodies; UK international funding agencies; and creative industries practitioners and companies.

Contact us

Jon Swords
Senior Lecturer in Creative Industries Cultural and creative industries research cluster lead
+44 (0)1904 32 8324


Our members lead a range of projects that support the cultural and creative industries:

Photo by Marcin Nowak on Unsplash (Big Ben, London)

Cluster members work with organisations including: Artists’ Moving Image Network, BAFTA-albert, British Film Institute, Council for British Archaeology, Creative Industries Independent Standards Agency, Creative Industries Policy and Evidence Centre, Department for International Trade, Film and TV Charity, ITV Studios, Pavilion, Production Park, Raising Films, Screen Yorkshire, UK Government, UKIE and Warner Media.

Contact us

Jon Swords
Senior Lecturer in Creative Industries Cultural and creative industries research cluster lead
+44 (0)1904 32 8324