Accessibility statement

Emeritus Professor Andrew Tudor


I began my academic life at the University of Leeds as a student in chemical engineering, but then moved into sociology in which subject I graduated in 1965. After four years teaching at the University of Essex I joined the Department of Sociology at the University of York in 1970, becoming successively Senior Lecturer, Reader and Professor in that department. I was Head of the Sociology department for six years from 1988 to 1995.

Throughout this period I attempted to persuade anyone who would listen that York needed to develop a department of film and television, and in 2006, much to my delight, I became Head of this new Department of Theatre, Film and Television. In October 2010, with the department's move into the new building, I handed over the reins to my colleague Professor Andrew Higson.

After a further two-and-a-half years teaching part-time I finally retired (to the Scottish highlands) in April 2013, though I fully intend to remain in close touch with the Department and with the University which has been the locus of my working life for over forty years.

Contact details

Professor Andrew Tudor
School of Arts and Creative Technologies
University of York
YO10 5GB