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Dr Tim Wright
Associate Lecturer in Music and Sound Recording


Tim Wright is a composer of music and audio-visual art based in Yorkshire, UK. He has accumulated a large back catalogue of record releases while nurturing academic ambitions, studying for a PhD in Composition (2013) and an Msc in Music Technology (1993) at the University of York, where he was appointed Associate Lecturer in Music and Sound Recording in 2017. His research interests include algorithmic approaches to composition, audio-visual art and live performance of electronic music.

As a recording artist he has produced, composed and mixed nine commercially released albums, 25 EPs and over 25 remixes. Tim is currently active under the pseudonym Tube Jerk and with the Berlin based collective Mir 8. He has extensive experience of performance of live electronic music, both solo and with other musicians at major international venues and festivals, most notably Sonar (Barcelona, Spain) and Transmusicales (Rennes, France) in 2004. Two collections of audio-visual pieces, Algorithms for Electronics, Fake Woodwind and Strings (2014) and 8 Switches (2012) have been released on USB thumb drives by Entr’acte (Belgium).

He has a long standing relationship with the choreographer Saburo Teshigawara as a composer, sound designer and sound operator, working in theatres and at festivals internationally – including the Lincoln Center (New York, USA), National Arts Center (Ottawa, Canada), New National Theatre (Tokyo, Japan), Theatre National de Chaillot (Paris, France) and Sadlers Wells (London, UK). Recent compositions include multi-channel electronic scores for Tranquil (2016) and Metamorphosis (2014) commissioned and performed by GöteborgOperans DansKompani at Gothenburg Opera, Sweden and Darkness is Hiding Black Horses (2013) for the Ballet de l’Opéra de Paris, France performed at Palais Garnier, Paris, France.

As an independent producer he has co-written, produced and mixed tracks for the album Radio International for Kefaya (UK), winner of Best Newcomer in the 2017 Songlines Music Awards. He also engineered, produced and composed The Sick Rose for vocalist Monika Naceva (CZ), which was nominated for a Czech Grammy for Best Electronic Album of 2010.

Contact details

Tim Wright
School of Arts and Creative Technologies
University of York
YO10 5GB

Tel: +44 (0)1904 32 4647