I joined the School of Arts and Creative Technologies at York as a Lecturer in Film, Television and Digital Culture in 2017. I research digital effects, popular cinema, and interactive media, and have published three books on these subjects (see Research tab for more info). I teach on a range of modules on the Film and Television Production BSc and Interactive Media BSc, and am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, completing a Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice in 2017.
My research concerns digital effects, popular cinema, and interactive media. My PhD explored the representation of space in the contemporary Hollywood action sequence, using theorists like Henri Lefebvre to read action films as a particularly spatial cinematic form. This was published as Hollywood Action Films and Spatial Theory in 2015 by Routledge.
From 2015 to 2018 I undertook a British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship titled Contemporary 3D Cinema: Space in the Digital Age. This work explored 3D cinema in the twenty-first century, considering in particular its links with wider visual media and technological developments, as well as its highly distinctive aesthetics. The project resulted in articles published in Cinema Journal and New Review of Film and Television Studies, and the book Spaces Mapped and Monstrous: Digital 3D and Visual Culture, published by Columbia in 2020 and nominated for Best Monograph by the British Association of Film, Television and Screen Studies.
More recently I have published Gooey Media: Screen Entertainment and the Graphic User Interface (Edinburgh: 2023), a monograph exploring the influence of the GUI computer screen upon a range of other media, and a range of articles and book chapters exploring digital media, ethics, and labour.
External activities
I release occasional video essays which are available via YouTube.
I was the producer and co-founder of Look/Think Films with Ben Woodiwiss from 2010-2018, an independent London-based film production company. Our first feature, Benny Loves Killing (2012) received many favourable reviews and won several awards at international film festivals, including Best Horror at the Oregon Independent Film Festival.
Selected publications
Gooey Media: Screen Entertainment and the Graphic User Interface (Edinburgh, 2023)
'Far From Houdini: The "Magic" of the VFX Breakdown' Animation: An Interdisciplinary Journal 18.1 (2023): 42-58
Spaces Mapped and Monstrous: Digital 3D and Visual Culture (Columbia University Press, 2020)
‘Visual Productions of Urban Space: Lefebvre, the City and Cinema’ in The Routledge Handbook of Henri Lefebvre, the City and Urban Society, eds. Michael Leary-Ohwin and John P McCarthy (New York: Routledge, 2020)
‘The Perpetual Motion Aesthetic of Action Cinema’ in A Companion to the Action Film, ed. James Kendrick (Malden, MA: Wiley Blackwell, 2019), 99–117
‘This is My World: Spatial Representation in the Resident Evil Films’ Continuum: Journal of Media and Cultural Studies 30:4 (2016): 477-488
Hollywood Action Films and Spatial Theory (London: Routledge, 2015)
‘Quantification and Substitution: The Abstract Space of Virtual Cinematography’ Animation: An Interdisciplinary Journal 8:3 (2013): 253-266