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Professor Lisa Peschel
Professor in Theatre and Chair of Research & Practice


  • PhD, Theatre Historiography and History, University of Minnesota
  • Master of Fine Arts, Playwriting, University of Texas
  • Bachelor of Science, English Literature, University of Wisconsin

Ten years after completing a bachelor’s degree in English Literature I returned to full-time study to pursue my interest in theatre. At the University of Texas I researched theatrical performance in the World War II Jewish ghetto at Terezín (in German, Theresienstadt), completing and staging a play about the cultural life of the ghetto for an MFA degree in playwriting. During my doctoral studies at the University of Minnesota I spent several semesters in the Czech Republic, interviewing Terezín survivors and searching for previous unpublished scripts. In 2008 my annotated volume of plays and cabarets from the ghetto was published in Czech and German; in 2009 I completed a PhD thesis on survivor testimony about theatrical performance in the ghetto.

After postdoctoral fellowships at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC and the Center for Jewish Studies at Harvard University, I was appointed Lecturer in Theatre at the Department of Theatre, Film, Television and Interactive Media at the University of York in September 2011. 

Contact details

Dr Lisa Peschel
School of Arts and Creative Technologies
University of York
YO10 5GB

Tel: +44 (0)1904 32 5247