After completing a BA and MA in Fine Art, I worked in both the art world and as a video game artist before taking up a research post at Culture Lab, Newcastle University, where I finished a PhD in Computing Science entitled ‘Music-controlled Cinematographic Systems’; a project that involved developing interactive approaches to live visuals for musicians.
During my time as a researcher at Newcastle I co-authored more than 25 journal articles and conference papers through European Commission and RCUK funded arts and technology projects including IRIS, OASIS and INSCAPE and Creative Exchange. The subjects of these included performative interfaces, interactive storytelling, therapeutic games and participatory film-making. My role in many of these projects involved developing new perspectives on practice-led research at the intersection of art and technology.
My art practice explores themes of interactivity, narrative and space and comprises kinetic sculpture, live musical performance, video, animation, interactive environments and interfaces. I have shown artwork throughout the UK and internationally, in venues as diverse as SiGGRAPH Asia, the British Science Festival and Bestival. I often make work in collaboration with other artists and also frequently work with the Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art’s learning team.
I am currently Programme Director of the MA/MSc in Postproduction and Visual Effects and also teach on the BSc Film and Television Production and BSc Interactive Media programmes.
Selected publications
Schofield, G. Time Telescope: Encouraging Engagement with Heritage through Participatory Design. Designing Interactive Systems 2014, Vancouver, Canada, 2104
Schofield, G., Green, D., Smith, T., Wright, P., Olivier P. Cinejack: Using Live Music to Control Narrative Visuals. Designing Interactive Systems 2014, Vancouver, Canada, 2104
Schofield, G. ROV: Digital Artwork as Narrative Controller. Research Through Design 2015, Cambridge, UK.
Galna, B., Jackson, D., Schofield, G., McNaney, R., Webster, M., Barry, G., … Rochester, L. (2014b). Retraining function in people with Parkinson’s disease using the Microsoft kinect: game design and pilot testing. Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation, 11(1), 60.
Hook, J., Schofield, G., Taylor, R., Bartindale, T., McCarthy, J., & Wright, P. (2012). Exploring HCI’s relationship with liveness. In Proceedings of the 2012 ACM annual conference extended abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts - CHI EA ’12 (p. 2771). New York, New York, USA: ACM Press.
Taylor, R., Schofield, G., Hook, J., Ladha, K., Bowers, J., & Wright, P. (2013). Crafting interactive systems. In CHI ’13 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems on - CHI EA '13 (p. 3223). New York, New York, USA: ACM Press.
Taylor, R., Schofield, G., Shearer, J., Boulanger, P., Wallace, J., Wright, P., & Olivier, P. (2011, April 1). Composing for the interactive medium. Laval Virtual. Retrieved from
Taylor, R., Schofield, G., Shearer, J., Wallace, J., Wright, P., Boulanger, P., & Olivier, P. (2011a). Designing from within. In Proceedings of the 2011 annual conference on Human factors in computing systems - CHI ’11 (p. 1855). New York, New York, USA: ACM Press.
Wallace, J., Thieme, A., Wood, G., Schofield, G., & Olivier, P. (2012b). Enabling Self, Intimacy and a Sense of Home in Dementia: An Enquiry into Design in a Hospital Setting. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 2629–2638). ACM.
Abdullah, R., Christie, M., Schofield, G., Lino, C., & Olivier, P. (2011). Advanced Composition in Virtual Camera Control. In Smart Graphics (pp. 13–24).
Galna, B., Jackson, D., Schofield, G., McNaney, R., Webster, M., Barry, G., … Rochester, L. (2014a). Retraining function in people with Parkinson’s disease using the Microsoft kinect: game design and pilot testing. Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation, 11(1), 60.
Lindsay, S., Jackson, D., Schofield, G., & Olivier, P. (2012a). Engaging Older People Using Participatory Design. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1199–1208). ACM.
Lino, C., Christie, M., Lamarche, F., Schofield, G., & Olivier, P. (2010). A real-time cinematography system for interactive 3D environments, 139–148. Retrieved from
Taylor, R., Schofield, G., Shearer, J., Boulanger, P., Wallace, J., & Olivier, P. (2010a). humanaquarium : A Participatory Performance System. In K. Beilharz, B. Bongers, A. Johnston, & S. Ferguson (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (pp. 88–93). Retrieved from
Taylor, R., Schofield, G., Shearer, J., Wright, P., Boulanger, P., & Olivier, P. (2014a). Nightingallery: theatrical framing and orchestration in participatory performance. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 18(7), 1583–1600.