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Bridget Foreman
Senior Lecturer in Playwriting


BA (Hons) in English Language and Literature (University of Oxford), MA (Oxon), PhD in Playwriting by Creative Practice (York), FHEA

I am a Senior Lecturer in Playwriting in the School of Arts and Creative Technologies, and a practising playwright. I teach on the BA in Theatre: Writing, Directing and Performance and the MA Theatre Making, as well as across other selected modules.

My practice as a playwright is extensive and varied, from one and two-handers to large-scale community productions. I have worked almost exclusively to commission for independent theatre companies and building-based organisations. This experience forms the foundation of my research into directive commissioning practices in theatre. My professional portfolio is as a playwright, co-deviser / writer-in-the-room, dramaturg, and wordsmith / performer and I have had over 30 plays commissioned and produced, including original plays, adaptations, music theatre and short screenplays. I also worked as a theatre director for many years and have overseen the development of new writing projects. I work regularly with local companies including York Theatre Royal and Riding Lights, where I am Associate Director. I have written dramatic material for heritage and cultural organisations and events and am interested in the porosity of boundaries between creative and cultural fields in writing for performance and for the marketplace.

My work is currently expanding into the area of the interaction between text and music in performance: I am part of the core creative team for Song Surgery and am developing an opera libretto. I am also under commission to York Theatre Royal for a new full-length play, The Bare Bones.

School roles

I am Co-Programme Leader on MA Theatre Making and Admissions and lead the Diversification and Decolonisation Working Group.

Bridget Foreman

Contact details

Dr Bridget Foreman
Lecturer in Playwriting
School of Arts and Creative Technologies
University of York
YO10 5GB

Tel: +44 (0)1904 32 5977