Our studio spaces mirror real-world industry scenarios. They each have different workflows and technologies including: SSL and Audient analogue mixing consoles, 'in the box' style and surround sound facilities.

Our studios include:

  • A rack-mounted Mac Pro
  • A range of instruments such as a Moog Grandmother, Nord Stage and EMS modular synthesisers
  • RedNet Dante system installed throughout
  • Industry-standard digital audio workstations (DAWs)
  • The latest Genelec monitoring systems and alternative monitors from ATC and B&W
  • Plus access to a range of high quality portable recording solutions for off-site capture

Contact us

Get in touch with our events team for more details or a quote for any of our spaces.

+44(0)1904 325220

Trevor Jones Studio

Trevor Jones is our flagship studio space offering modern production workflows with precision analogue and digital systems. 

Key features:

  • SSL Duality Delta 24-trk console recording via pristine A/D converters
  • A selection of possible monitoring arrangements from precise near-field monitoring to large mid-field monitoring
  • Multiple differing surround sound configurations that continues York’s heritage in ambisonics
  • Tie lines to the Rymer Auditorium and a host of classic and modern outboard equipment and plugins

Lyons Studio

Lyons Studio is the perfect location for recording, mixing and mastering audio and video materials.

Key features:

  • Capable of recording from several venues or locations across campus and potentially beyond
  • Crystal clear monitoring options make it ideal for high-quality acoustic capture
  • Links to the Sir Jack Lyons Concert Hall and provides the studio with access to a permanently installed Decca tree ideal for large-scale orchestral recordings
  • A wide range of professional mix and mastering plugins

Ralph Vaughan Williams Studio

Ralph Vaughan Williams Studio is primarily used for sound creation and composition with a dedicated space to explore sonic and spatial manipulation.

Key features:

  • Monitoring features both stereo and surround sound configurations designed to allow a greater sense of immersion
  • The Mac Pro also features a wide range of professional software and digital tools for sound design
  • High-end ‘in the box’ experience
  • Two EMS VCS 3 Synthesisers

Richard Orton Studio

Richard Orton Studio is used for the exploration of more traditional styles of recording and mixing.

Key features:

  • Showcases an Audient ASP4816 mixing desk and a host of classic vintage synthesizers
  • In-line rather than hybrid or split console architecture - harking back to studios of the 1970s and 1980s

Ben Clark Studio

Our Ben Clark Studio is a flexible space that can be used as a recording, mixing and/or mastering suite, as well as a live room.

Key features:

  • The studio is centred around a Mac Pro running all industry standard DAWs and a wide range of mixing and mastering plugins
  • A Genelec monitoring system allowing for high precision listening and decision making

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Contact us

Get in touch with our events team for more details or a quote for any of our spaces.

+44(0)1904 325220