Music studios
Our studio spaces mirror real-world industry scenarios. They each have different workflows and technologies including: SSL and Audient analogue mixing consoles, 'in the box' style and surround sound facilities.
Our studios include:
- A rack-mounted Mac Pro
- A range of instruments such as a Moog Grandmother, Nord Stage and EMS modular synthesisers
- RedNet Dante system installed throughout
- Industry-standard digital audio workstations (DAWs)
- The latest Genelec monitoring systems and alternative monitors from ATC and B&W
- Plus access to a range of high quality portable recording solutions for off-site capture
Contact us
Get in touch with our events team for more details or a quote for any of our spaces.
Trevor Jones Studio
Trevor Jones is our flagship studio space offering modern production workflows with precision analogue and digital systems.
Key features:
- SSL Duality Delta 24-trk console recording via pristine A/D converters
- A selection of possible monitoring arrangements from precise near-field monitoring to large mid-field monitoring
- Multiple differing surround sound configurations that continues York’s heritage in ambisonics
- Tie lines to the Rymer Auditorium and a host of classic and modern outboard equipment and plugins

Mixing console
- SSL Duality Delta
- Genelec 7060A Subwoofer
- Two x Genelec 1037C
- Five x Genelec 8020B configured to 5.1 system with 7060A
- Two x Triple P Pyramid (on request)
- 16 x Genelec 8020B configured to ambisonic system with height (on request)
Audio interfaces
- Antelope Orion 32
- Grace 201
- Focusrite ISA 828
- Bricasti M7 Reverb
- Lexicon PCM-80
- TC System 6000 Mark 2 with Mastering Suite
- Neve 8803 EQ
- API 2500
- Kemper Profiler
- UA LA-2A
- UA 1176
Instruments and backline
- Waldorf Sledge
- Arturia MINI Brute
- Gretch Drum Kit
- Nord Stage 2 EX
- Yamaha Bass Guitar
- Nektar Impact LX49+
- Vox AC-30
- Mark MK3 Head and 2 x 10 inch Cab
Lyons Studio
Lyons Studio is the perfect location for recording, mixing and mastering audio and video materials.
Key features:
- Capable of recording from several venues or locations across campus and potentially beyond
- Crystal clear monitoring options make it ideal for high-quality acoustic capture
- Links to the Sir Jack Lyons Concert Hall and provides the studio with access to a permanently installed Decca tree ideal for large-scale orchestral recordings
- A wide range of professional mix and mastering plugins
- BW 801s (passive)
- Genelec 8351B SAM
- SM Pro M-Patch 2
- SPL Volume 8
Audio interface
- Focusrite Rednet AM2
- Universal Audio Apollo 8 QUAD
- Focusrite ISA828
Ralph Vaughan Williams Studio
Ralph Vaughan Williams Studio is primarily used for sound creation and composition with a dedicated space to explore sonic and spatial manipulation.
Key features:
- Monitoring features both stereo and surround sound configurations designed to allow a greater sense of immersion
- The Mac Pro also features a wide range of professional software and digital tools for sound design
- High-end ‘in the box’ experience
- Two EMS VCS 3 Synthesisers
- ATC SCM20SL with Quad Amplifier
- Nine x Genelec HT205
- SPL 2489 5.1 Volume Controller
Audio interface
- Prism Sound Orpheus
- Maag Audio EQ4M
- Behringer Ultragain Digital
- Two x EMS VCS3 synthesisers
- Ableton Push
- Nektar Impact LX49+
Richard Orton Studio
Richard Orton Studio is used for the exploration of more traditional styles of recording and mixing.
Key features:
- Showcases an Audient ASP4816 mixing desk and a host of classic vintage synthesizers
- In-line rather than hybrid or split console architecture - harking back to studios of the 1970s and 1980s

Mixing console
- Audient ASP4816
- Genelec 8351B SAM
- Adams A7X
- Focusrite Red8 Pre
- Alesis ADAT AI3
- Audient ASP800
- Aphex Aural Exciter Type B
- Two x Yamaha SPX 990
- Drawmer DS201
- Otari MX-80 2-inch 24trk tape machine
- Moog Grandmother
- Arturia Drumbrute
- Casio CZ-3000
- Yamaha DX7
- Yamaha SY55
- Kawai K1
- Nektar Impact LX49+
Ben Clark Studio
Our Ben Clark Studio is a flexible space that can be used as a recording, mixing and/or mastering suite, as well as a live room.
Key features:
- The studio is centred around a Mac Pro running all industry standard DAWs and a wide range of mixing and mastering plugins
- A Genelec monitoring system allowing for high precision listening and decision making
- Genelec 8351A SAM
- Focusrite Rednet MP8R
- Universal Audio Apollo 8 QUAD
- Revox HS-77 Quarter Inch 2trk Tape Machine (modified)
Instruments and backline
- Yamaha drum kit
- Ampeg BA-115 amplifier
- Blackstar HT Club 40 Mk 2 amplifier
- Nektar Impact LX49+
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Contact us
Get in touch with our events team for more details or a quote for any of our spaces.