Our suites cover all professional post-production needs. 

We have dedicated ADR and Foley facilities, two general recording and mix rooms linked to a flexible Live Room, two industry Dolby Atmos Avid S6 mix rooms as well as three picturing finishing suites that feature DaVinci Resolve and colour-accurate monitors. All of our suites are interconnected via high-speed fibre data links.

Our suites are available for commercial hire.

Audio finishing

At a glance

  • Three separate audio finishing areas
  • Served by a Pixitmedia Pixstor NAS to support both individual and collaborative project work across rooms
  • Running Pro Tools Flex/HDX
  • For in-person commercial hire, or remote content recording/editing working with our technical team

Audio Mix Suites

  • Two Dolby Atmos 7.1.4 dubbing theatres, one 7.1 surround mix suite
  • All suites equipped with Avid S6 control surfaces and Avid MTRX interfaces
  • All suites equipped with Genelec monitoring

Audio Recording Suites

  • Two multi-purpose recording suites (up to 7.1) using Neve Genesys Black and Avid MTRX
  • A large associated live room with adjustable acoustics
  • Recording rooms can be connected through Dante for remote monitoring or recording

Foley/Automated Dialogue Replacement (ADR) facilities

  • A Foley/ADR suite for recording sound effects and replacement dialogue
  • 11 surfaces for footstep recording and adjustable monitoring
  • ADR (Automated Dialogue Replacement) is where the speech recorded on location can be rerecorded and replaced by the actor performing the lines again in studio
  • Foleys are live sound effects that have to exactly match the picture, such as footsteps and clothes rustle

Picture finishing

Our picture finishing area includes three Davinci Resolve Studios and one Film Master Suite.

Davinci Resolve Studio

Starting with DaVinci Resolve, our suites feature a range of tools to enable professional grading (including REC 709 and P3) and mastering (including DCP and broadcast compliant formats) so students and professionals alike can work to industry standards.

  • High-speed connectivity with our digital media servers and labs for easy asset transfer
  • Fully colour-compliant reference monitors, light-balanced walls and surround sound audio monitoring provide an ideal critical viewing environment.

Contact us

Get in touch with our events team for more details or a quote for any of our spaces.

+44(0)1904 325220

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Contact us

Get in touch with our events team for more details or a quote for any of our spaces.

+44(0)1904 325220