On the Horizon Festival: Holes by Tom Basden
Event details
Tom Basden's play Holes is set on a desert island in the aftermath of a plane crash. Three of the four survivors are colleagues on their way to a conference – much of the comedy arises from watching these people attempt to face their new situation with the same strategies they employed in their office relationships. Hilarity ensues as the co-workers bicker about the way they should handle their predicament and Erin the fourth survivor struggles with the loss of her parents. All of this and a dark twist ending will leave you in stitches throughout the entire performance.
Content Warnings: Death, Sexual assault (implied), Teenage pregnancy, Physical assault, Strong language, Racism (implied), Ableism, Haze, War (mentioned), Alcohol abuse, Paedophilia , Murder
Estimated runtime: 75 mins
Venue details
TFTI Events